Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Legally Blonde The Musical”: Bruiser The Vegetarian Dog

“Legally Blonde The Musical”: Bruiser The Vegetarian Dog

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 18th, 2009 in Film & TV, Food & Drink.


Legally Blonde

Legally Blonde fans put your Broadway shoes on.

Legally Blonde is currently touring the country with performance dates going through Spring of 2010.

If you remember the Reese Witherspoon goes to law school comedy, you remember her Paris Hilton-like handbag dog sidekick, Bruiser.

And the fact that Elle and Bruiser are both “Gemini Vegetarians.”

You don’t have to make a perfect score on the LSAT to know vegetarian dog food is available for your little Bruiser, Tito, or Max.

Vegan dog foods like V-Dog are available to pet owners interested in filling their pup with high protein plant based alternatives.

Because for some of man’s best friends, meat is totally optional.

Bet Bruiser wished those pink outfits were optional too.

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