Quantcast Vegetarian Star“The September Issue” And Anna Wintour’s Furry Back

“The September Issue” And Anna Wintour’s Furry Back

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 17th, 2009 in Fashion, Fur.

J Mendel Fall 2006 - Front Row

A movie about the editors, models, and photographers that made September 2007 the best selling edition of Vogue magazine ever, The September Issue,  hits the theatres this month.

Anna Wintour, fashion editor and editor-in-chief of American Vogue is known for reviving the fur trend in fashion.

Not sure how the “reviving” works, since the fur is dead, but Anna supposedly has the resurrection powers within her.

“Nobody was wearing fur until Anna put it back on the cover in the ’90s,” one stylist said, according to usatoday.com.

Thanks a bunch, Anna. The animals thank you as well.

Wintour has been quoted as saying,”There’s always a way to wear fur. Personally, I wear it on my back.”

Don’t see why she’s bragging about this, as most men won’t even admit to having a hairy back.

With the cruelty of animals being kept in cages on fur farms and even skinned alive for the hides, the best way to wear fur is to fake it or keep it on the original owner-the animal.

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4 Responses to ““The September Issue” And Anna Wintour’s Furry Back”

  1. Anna Wintour hater Says:

    Look at little ugly fur wearing Anna Wintour. She’s looks older than the fur on her back. Shame on this ugly woman for promoting a cruel industry. She had better stop wearing so much dead stuff-it’s sucking the life and youth out of her. Ugh…

  2. The Devil Wears Fur and Her Hurt on Her Sleeve | EcoSalon Says:

    […] Streep in Prada, Wintour seems desperate to pad Vogue and her paycheck at any cost – even resurrecting fur on the cover in the 90s to save the dying […]

  3. Marion Says:

    Watched the film on TV about her last night.

    For all her wealth ane power, she certainly does not look happy or content. How can she be? Using the beautiful coats of animals to try and project her “image”. Nothing can ever come good from anything so cruel.

  4. Animal lover Says:

    I don’t like to say I hate people but hate would be little to what I feel about Anna. She’s such a bitch how could she wear fur knowing what happens to the poor animals. Maybe someone should shove a electrical rod up her ass and electrocute her and skin her alive. She is the whole reason that fur came back in the 90’s if it wasn’t for her fur wouldn’t be so in demand. We need to change this and stop being influence by the media and society. To think we did this by making vogue the top selling magazine. I like fashion just like the next girl but people like Anna make fashion horrible. Stop killing animals Anna. By the way love her daughter though, I can’t believe she turned out so nice compared to her mother.