Quantcast Vegetarian StarMos Def Enjoys Mos Delicious Vegan Ice Cream

Mos Def Enjoys Mos Delicious Vegan Ice Cream

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 16th, 2009 in Food & Drink, Male Singers.

Cadillac Records New York Premiere - Arrivals

Yesterday we learned that Wheeler’s Vegan Ice cream had its share of celebrity followings, including Erykah Badu and other hip hop stars.

Last week, Mos Def and Talib Kweli performed at the House of Blues in Boston and enjoyed some frozen vegan treats, courtesy of Wheeler’s backstage.

Plenty of Platinum Patron Apple Cider, Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Swirl, Mexican Chocolate, Cucumber Vanilla and Mango ice cream were available to the performers.

Platinum Patron Apple Cider? Let’s not forget the Dom Perignon flavor with gold flakes.

Does chef Wheeler del Torro have an imagination or what?

The event will be featured in Wheeler’s next book, a followup to The Vegan Scoop.

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One Response to “Mos Def Enjoys Mos Delicious Vegan Ice Cream”

  1. Danielle Says:

    Pumpkin flavor sounds good about this time of the year.

    I used to get these pumpkin flavored donuts at this local bakery that were only sold during the fall.
