Quantcast Vegetarian StarJason Mraz Fishitarian Self Title Confuses Us

Jason Mraz Fishitarian Self Title Confuses Us

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 15th, 2009 in Food & Drink, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

Jason Mraz Performs On NBCs Today

Jason Mraz is known in the veg community for being a vegan, right?

So a recent interview with austin360.com, has left us scratching our heads, crinkling our eyebrows, and saying, “Huh?”

Read for yourself.

“Well, I’d call myself a vegan fishitarian who’s mostly a raw foodist. It’s a totally personal thing. In my case, it’s from touring so much. Everything in my life changed after I tried eating raw food for 30 days the first time – my mind, my physical appearance, my energy. I realized that food really is my fuel. Once I started to commit to whole foods and natural foods, I was like, “This is great!””

We wish these fish eating vegetarians would just call themselves pescatarians.

And how long has the Mr. Mraz been doing this while we’ve been dropping the name “vegan,” without offering any, “but he eats” behind it?

Or does “fishitarian” mean Jason goes fishing then throws the flippers back into the water?

Confused. Bewildered. Guess we’ll have to make some chocomole dessert and think about it for awhile.

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One Response to “Jason Mraz Fishitarian Self Title Confuses Us”

  1. Lori Says:

    Jason’s been known to say weird things in interviews.

    He once said he had “vaginal juices” in his refridgerator of something of that nature.

    He could have very well been talking about going fishing.