Quantcast Vegetarian StarNaomi Campbell: And The Dennis Basso Fur Flies

Naomi Campbell: And The Dennis Basso Fur Flies

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 5th, 2009 in Fur, Models.

05_Flatbed_2 - AUGUST

A couple of months ago, we brought you the news that Naomi Campbell agreed to pose in a series of ads promoting fur clothing by fashion designer Dennis Basso.

Campbell had previously worked with PETA in “I’d Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur” campaigns, but withdrew her support after the animal rights group targeted fashion designers.

Naomi added the statement, “I do like wearing fur and I still do.”

Celebrity animal rights activists are appalled and Paul McCartney has written a letter to Campbell, according to the New York Daily News.

According to Campbell, she and PETA have embraced each other with love and all is forgiven.

“Yes, I am still wearing fur,” said Campbell, “but I’ve made up with that guy from Peta.”

Don’t know what Campbell means by “made up with” but we’re sure flashing the former coat of an animal for vain fashion purposes takes a lot more than a kiss and hug for anyone-PETA person or not-to get over.

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One Response to “Naomi Campbell: And The Dennis Basso Fur Flies”

  1. Lisa J. Says:

    What a moron!

    Her and the designer.