Quantcast Vegetarian StarFred Mascherino Can Get A Veggie Date For Every City He Visits

2007 Projekt Revolution Tour

Fred Mascherino, ex Taking Back Sunday guitarist and singer recently spoke with phillyist.com about how he gets his grub on while touring.

Apparently, there are a few places that probably know Fred by name as they’re on his radar when he’s in the cities.

“…I’ve spent more time on the road than at home the last several years, I’ve come up with my little… I know what state I’m in and where there is to eat there. In Baltimore there’s the Paper Moon Diner. In Boston there’s Grasshopper and there’s this vegetarian hot dog joint I always go to. In Austin, Texas, there’s a Thai place I love. So I get to know these places; I’m out [on the road] so much that I kind of memorize all these places that I like to eat”

Fred’s little black book of veggie restaurants seems to cover a lot of ground.

Sounds as if this guy’s never without a dinner date.

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