Quantcast Vegetarian StarHeather Mills Creates Recycled Clothing Line Be@1

Heather Mills Creates Recycled Clothing Line Be@1

Written by Vegetarian Star on August 12th, 2009 in Business, Chefs, Fashion, Models.


Heather Mills must be one of those self-punishing workaholics.

Besides her charitable work with children in the Bronx, she recently opened her own vegan restaurant, V Bites, and took over the vegetarian food company Redwood Foods.

Now, Heather has started her own sustainable clothing line, B@1, which will feature recycled charity shop clothing.

The line will launch August 27th at the Highlands Hollywood in association with the charity event Celebrity Catwalk.

Be sure to check the website for B@1 frequently, as more updates are promised to appear.

via Ecorazzi.com

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