Survivor Alumni Ethan Zohn And Jenna Morasca Go Vegetarian
Written by Vegetarian Star on July 16th, 2009 in Couples, Reality TV.
Survivor reality TV alumni Ethan Zohn and Jenna Morasca are a couple that does everything together-including going vegetarian!
After Ethan’s recent diagonses with Stage 2 Hodgkin’s disease, the couple decided it was a good idea to start watching what they put in their bodies.
And since they were both obvious animal lovers, previously posing for an anti-fur ad, it seemed like one of the best choices the couple could make.
Here’s a tidbit from their recent interview with PETA.
Have you ever considered going vegetarian in the past?
Ethan: I was on a macrobiotic diet when I was younger and my father was ill. My entire family made the change to macro to help my father and the cancer he was battling. In addition, I was a vegetarian for 14 years before going on Survivor.
How did you make the transition? Was it gradual, or did you stop eating meat cold (faux) turkey?
Jenna: We actually made the transition pretty quickly—just cutting out everything right away. Now, with so many great faux-meat products, it’s not as hard as people think anymore to go vegetarian. For instance, in the grocery store are many great faux-meat options, like Gardenburger meatless buffalo chicken wings. Ethan was a huge fan of buffalo chicken wings, so these are a good replacement!
Continue reading the interview with Ethan and Jenna at peta.org.
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