Quantcast Vegetarian StarPlaymate Jayde Nicole, Big Faux Wieners, And Politicians

Playmate Jayde Nicole, Big Faux Wieners, And Politicians

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 16th, 2009 in Models.



From the title of this post, one might think we’re about to bring you the next Monica Lewinsky White House scandal.

But we’re just highlighting some of the events that took place during National Veggie Dog Day on Capitol Hill!

Jayde Nicole, 2008 Playmate of the Year, and Jo Garcia put on their freshest cabbage leaves and served veggie dogs to politicians and other folks passing by while promoting a vegetarian diet and lifestyle.

Ironically, this year’s Playmate of the Year, Ida Ljungqvist, is vegetarian as well.

Is there a pattern happening here? We sure hope so!

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One Response to “Playmate Jayde Nicole, Big Faux Wieners, And Politicians”

  1. chandra Says:

    Jayde Nicole rocks! She is stunning even in lettuce. This girl spends so much of her time for great causes. I hope her and Brody get married.