Quantcast Vegetarian StarJim James’ George Harrison Tribute Benefits Farm Sanctuary

Coachella Valley Music And Arts Festival 2008 - Day 3

Here Comes The Sun to help hundreds of farm animals.

Jim James, vocalist and guitarist for the band My Morning Jacket, has announced he’s donating a portion of the proceeds from his upcoming George Harrison tribute album to Woodstock Farm Sanctuary.

“I know this is something that George [Harrison] really believed in,” James was quoted as saying. “George was all about treating all creatures equally and eating responsibly.”

James and his hero have more than music in common, as he is a vegetarian like Harrison was.

James is using another name for the record, “Yim Yames,” instead of his real name.

The tribute album comes out later this month, but for now, you can still listen to a sample on Mr. Yim Yames website.

via Ecorazzi.com

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