Quantcast Vegetarian StarMichael Jackson Tigers, Thriller And Sabu, At Shambala Preserve

Michael Jackson fans pay their respects

Actress and animal rights activist Tippi Hedren  volunteered to take in Michael Jackson’s tigers, Thriller and Sabu, after the singer could no longer keep them at his Neverland Ranch a few years ago.

The tigers live at the Roar Foundation Shambala Preserve.

“We have so suddenly lost one of the most beautiful and enchanting entertainers on our planet,” Hedren said.

“Michael Jackson was not only loved by the people of the world, for his incomparable talent, he was loved by the magnificent wild animals for which he provided the most beautiful home at his Neverland Ranch in Santa Barbara, CA. We were thrilled to have Michael’s beloved tigers, Thriller and Sabu, join our pride here at Shambala when Michael needed a good home for them. Thriller and Sabu will always remind us of Michael.”

Shambala’s website offers pictures of the big cat friends to Thriller and Sabu, and offers a virtual tour of the preserve.

via Greendaily.com

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2 Responses to “Michael Jackson Tigers, Thriller And Sabu, At Shambala Preserve”

  1. jenny Says:

    michael jackson is a very very talented person to the point that he rose as a pop icon. he would live forever in our history books and memories.

  2. Michael Jackson Giraffes Die Says:

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