Quantcast Vegetarian StarRise Against Straight Edge Band…Almost

Rise Against Straight Edge Band…Almost

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 4th, 2009 in Bands.

Tim Harmon

You already know the guys of Rise Against are vegetarian and big time animal rights supporters. That’s why they’re encouraging people to petition the Canadian government and Olympics committee to stop steal hunting.

But did you also know every one of the guys, with the exception of drummer Brandon Barnes, are straight-edge, which is a lifestyle marked by abstaining from many things, including alcohol.

Their latest tour kicks off in Canada this summer, where they’ll have bands like Rancid and Billy Talent opening for them.

via vancouver.24hrs.ca

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One Response to “Rise Against Straight Edge Band…Almost”

  1. Natasha Says:

    I love how the have a soft spot for animals!They are definitely one of my fav bands.