Quantcast Vegetarian StarMark Ronson Looks Dog Gone Good In Anti-Fur Ad

Mark Ronson Looks Dog Gone Good In Anti-Fur Ad

Written by Vegetarian Star on May 26th, 2009 in Fur, Misc Artists and Performers.


Mark Ronson is showing his concern for animals by offering to pose in this PETA anti-fur ad that reads, “If you wouldn’t wear you dog, please don’t wear fur.”

Mark is the big brother of Samantha Ronson, the DJ and ex girlfriend of Lindsay Lohan, who was quite upset months ago after two measures were passed in the state of California that allowed farm animals to move around freely but defined marriage as between a man and a woman.

Samantha had written, “i guess people care more about farm animals than they do their fellow man, that’s really sad to me. yup, miss piggy and chicken little may rest easy, but gay people in florida and california can no longer get married…”

But big bro has the compassion for animals, and hopefully this will eventually rub off on Sam.

If Mark’s dog Maude doesn’t pull at her heart, what will?

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