Quantcast Vegetarian StarWyntergrace Williams Requests Obama Girls Help With Vegetarian School Lunches



Wyntergrace Williams, Montel Williams’ daughter, is inviting the Obama girls to get in on the vegetarian school lunch action!

Not long ago, we brought you the news that Wyntergrace is urging everyone to sign a petition asking congress to ensure more vegetarian options are available in school lunches.

This week, she’ll be headed to Washington, D.C. to ask Congress to change the Child Nutrition act to require public schools to include healthy, vegetarian options. She’s also written a letter to Sasha and Malia Obama in hopes they will help her with her cause.

“My name is Wyntergrace and I’m a big fan of yours. It seems that we have a few things in common. We all love dogs, live on the East Coast, have fantastic moms and maternal grand moms and both of our dads are quite famous. In our household we also eat healthy foods and I am working on a school project to get healthier foods in schools across the country. I would love for you to join my campaign and sign my petition and encourage other students and families to follow our own and respective families’ lead.”

“The problem is that many schools do not offer enough healthful choices. This is especially true when it comes to vegetarian meals. A lot of us ask for vegetarian meals out of compassion for animals, like I do, or because of concerns about health or the environment, but all students would benefit from having a variety of healthy options, and other plant-based meals available.”

Read the rest of Wyntergrace’s letter to the Obama girls.

via usnews.com

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3 Responses to “Wyntergrace Williams Requests Obama Girls Help With Vegetarian School Lunches”

  1. Veg Momma Says:

    Good girl! She’s doing more than most parents are when they stuff a sodium packed Lunchable in their kid’s lunches every morning.

    So refreshing!

  2. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Wyntergrace Williams’ Video For Vegetarian School Lunches Says:

    […] week, this young lady went to Capitol Hill to ask Congress to get their act together and make sure vegetarian lunches are on the menu at […]

  3. eric g vigil Says:

    look, leave the presidents kids out of it. go after some hollywood stars kids. or some extremely wealthy kids. but leave Obama’s or even W’s kids out of it.