Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful: Heather Mills Nuts, Hated By Everyone

Meatless Mouthful: Heather Mills Nuts, Hated By Everyone

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 21st, 2009 in Meatless Mouthful, Models.

Heather Mills Named Honorary Chair Of Hunts Point Alliance For Children
“Everyone thinks I’m nuts because I speak the truth and I’m very outspoken. The meat industry hates me, the dairy industry hates me, the Beatle industry hates me, the landmine industry. So I have a lot of enemies out there. But I also have a lot of support.

—-Heather Mills, in a speech given at a vegetarian show in London recently. Love her or hate her, Heather has certainly put her footprint in the media. And although she may be viewed as erratic by some, she continues to be a vocal activist for the veg life and animals.

What’s your opinion on Heather? Does she appear too nutty in public with her words and antics? Or is it just her free spiritness and passion for her work that drives her behavior?

via Starpulse.com

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5 Responses to “Meatless Mouthful: Heather Mills Nuts, Hated By Everyone”

  1. Natasha Says:

    I lover her! She tells the truth which is what most people are afraid of!

  2. Alex Says:

    Heather tells the truth? Well as she believes it to be maybe. As for claiming everybody hates her – how arrogant is she? I care not one iota about or for her and doubt if any anyone in the meat trades care either. Talk about paranoia!

    I sincerely look forward to the day when the media finally tires of this self publicist.

  3. The Green Quote: Heather Mills In Desperate Need Of A Hug // Archives // ecorazzi.com :: the latest in green gossip Says:

    […] via Vegetarian Star No […]

  4. Dixie Says:

    The media probably made her look like more of a bitch than she really is. Even Yoko Ono defended her in the press, saying it’s hard to be married to a Beatle. Let’s face it, no matter how nice they look in person, superstars like Paul McCartney probably have a difficult side to them. Stella hated her. She probably felt boxed in from the beginning.

    I look at what she’s doing for her charities and I can’t point a finger at her. So what if she’s doing it for publicity (which I don’t think are her entire intentions)? People are benefiting from it regardless.

  5. The Green Quote: Heather Mills In Desperate Need Of A Hug Says:

    […] Starpulse via Vegetarian Star […]