John Salley Talks Veggies On ESPN: No One Messes With Him!
Written by Vegetarian Star on April 15th, 2009 in Athletes-Games-Sports.
John Salley’s a busy man these days. This week he’s giving away veggie burgers to Chicago school children as part of a campaign to teach them how a vegetarian diet receives the best grade.
He also recently sat down with ESPN to answer questions submitted by fans.
John got several questions related to his vegetarian diet and lifestyle, including, “did guys ever mess with you knowing you didn’t eat meat?”
John answered, “No, no one ever really messes with me!”
Oh, yeah.
Here are a couple of other veg related questions from the chat.
What kind of work are you doing with PETA?
I did a PSA about a year ago with PETA since then they have invited me to speak about the health benefits of being a vegetarian.
How did you make the decision to go vegetarian?
I was a vegetarian first [before I became vegan]. I had high blood pressure at 27, everybody in my family died of cancer and I new it was in the food so I changed my diet.
To read the rest of the Q & A session with John, visit espn.go.com.
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