Quantcast Vegetarian StarKanye West Is Natural, Organic Energy Drink Guru

Kanye West Is Natural, Organic Energy Drink Guru

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 14th, 2009 in Business, Food & Drink, Male Singers.

The Metropolitan Operas 125th Anniversary Gala

Kanye West doing the organic thing? Oh, no. What’s next? The naked PETA ad we so humbly suggested months ago?

The hip hop and rap star is rumored to be teaming up with Guru Energy Drinks, an all natural, organic beverage company to create his own line of juice.

“I express myself through music, fashion, art, and design, and that’s why I am excited to collaborate with Guru; because the brand values what I value, and I can put what inspires me into this new product,” Kanye said in a press release.

At first glance, the drink sounds legitimately vegetarian. The ingredients listed from their website for their “secret” formula is as follows.

“Sparkling water, Organic white grape juice concentrate, Organic cane juice concentrate, Lemon juice concentrate, Natural flavors, Guarana seed extract, Salt, Echinacea flower extract, Panax ginseng root extract, Ginkgo biloba leaf extract.”

“Natural flavors” is always something to be wary of, as the source is not always known, so we’ll have to do more digging once Kanye’s beverage gets closer to the refrigerator at a store near you.

via Ecorazzi.com

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One Response to “Kanye West Is Natural, Organic Energy Drink Guru”

  1. Veg Momma Says:

    Yay for no high fructose corn syrup!