Quantcast Vegetarian StarSwitchfoot Rocks Out With Vegan Shoes On Tour

Switchfoot Rocks Out With Vegan Shoes On Tour

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 2nd, 2009 in Bands, Fashion.



Okay, so their feet look small on stage and this picture is kinda blurry, but this tidbit came from none other than the Macbeth headquarters, so you know it’s gotta be fact.

Switchfoot has been updating their blog, The Daily Foot, with photos of concerts and the boys just chilling out and having fun.

Some of the photos uploaded show the band rocking in Macbeth vegan shoes!

Several musical acts like Tegan and Sara, Frank Iero, and Missy Higgins have used Macbeth’s cruelty free vegan shoes to support their feet while jumping and lunging during concerts.

Including shoes designed by celebrities, Macbeth has quite a selection of vegan footwear. 

With so many trendy shoes available without animal products, why would anyone ever want to buy leather?

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