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PETA UK held an early Valentine’s Day treat for the people in London.

Topless ladies, including model Monica Harris, (and one handsome shirtless chap) walked the streets giving out vegan chocolate and roses while urging everyone to “Have a heart,” for ducks and geese by encouraging the ban of foie gras in the UK department store Selfridges.

Foie gras, the delicacy PETA is currently having a contest to see what chef can make a faux version of, is produced when geese are stuffed to excess, causing their livers to swell. According to PETA UK’s blog, this is equivalent to stuffing 45 pounds of pasta down a human’s throat in one day. Seconds of rigatoni are great, but that’s a little extreme.

So the lovely ladies and man passed a car with an older gentleman looking out. Most definitely he’s staring so hard because he is so fascinated by animal rights and is excited to speak out against foie gras too. But because it’s so hard to read someone’s mind, we’d like to know what you think his exact thoughts are. For more pics, visit PETA UK.

What's the older man in the red car thinking as the topless PETA ladies walk by?

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