Quantcast Vegetarian StarPete Wentz Gettin’ Furry Wit It

Pete Wentz Gettin’ Furry Wit It

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 26th, 2009 in Male Musicians.

2008 MTV Video Music Awards - Arrivals

Whatever happened to Pete Wentz?

The Fall Out Boy was once a vegan, then vegetarian, and now is neither. Plus, he’s sporting furry boots lately. What gives?

Sure, there’s a good chance it’s fake fur. But there’s a good chance it isn’t.

Back to the whole vegetarian thing. Between him and Oh, Joe who did, that leaves only two veg men standing-Patrick Stump and Andy Hurley.

Sigh…It would have been fun watching little Bronx grow up loving his seitan and veggies.

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