Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful: Barack Obama Asks Us To Re-Examine Food Policy

Obama Speaks On Jobs, Energy, And Climate Change

“The fact that we subsidize some of these big, agribusiness operations that are not necessarily producing healthy foods, and we discourage, or we don’t subsidize farmers who are producing fruits and vegetables and small scale farming that gets produce immediately to consumers as opposed to having it processed…The fact that we’re not doing more to ensure that healthy food is in the schools. All those things don’t make sense. It is important for us to re-examine our overall food policy.”

—-Barack Obama during a speech on the campaign trail last year.

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One Response to “Meatless Mouthful: Barack Obama Asks Us To Re-Examine Food Policy”

  1. rosebud Says:


    Transitioning to a more Plant Based diet is one of the best and most efficient moves we can make to bring the Change to a more Sustainable Lifestyle!

    EPA admits livestock production is the #1 cause of water pollution in the U.S!
    A recent U.N. report concludes that U.S. livestock production causes more greenhouse gas emissions than ALL forms of transportation combined!

    GO Obama on supporting this transition by reducing/eliminating Meat&Dairy subsidies, along with supporting Humane Teatment Laws.

    Yes, it’s time to support healthier Options for plant based lunch programs!

    Please also consider Chicago law Professor Cass Sunnstein, a highly respected Animal Welfare expert, for a position such as Regulatory Czar.

    May peace begin on our plates..
    Thank you!