Quantcast Vegetarian StarJason Mraz Checking Bags Of Powder At Airports

Jason Mraz Checking Bags Of Powder At Airports

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 23rd, 2009 in Food & Drink, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

Stand Up 2 Cancer - Los Angeles, CA

If you frequently travel by plane, you know the rules of what you can and can’t fly the friendly skies with is pretty strict. So you have to wonder how Jason Mraz gets his bundle of powders and knives through security without a eyelash being batted.

These powders and knives are for preparing delicious raw food dishes, by the way.

Tracey Pepper, writer for the Vegetarian Times, asked that question in the Q & A section of the February 2009 issue of the magazine:

Q: You’re on the road for months at a time. How do you stick to your diet while on tour?

A: I travel with a very large knife and a Vita-Mix 4500 blender. I love my Vita-Mix blender.

Q: How do you get the knife through security?

A: Oh, I check it. I also check a special flight case that holds all my [raw food] powders and mixtures.

Jason says he travels with “plenty of nuts.”

No, he’s not talking about his band and crew.

Usually only security knows what’s in that mysterious case he packs. But if you want to find out, visit the Vegetarian Times for the entire interview.

Don’t forget to look at the picture of the crazy sounding chocolate avocado treat Jason concocted.

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