Quantcast Vegetarian StarDavey Havok One Ups Hunter Burgan With “Got Pus?” T-Shirt

Davey Havok One Ups Hunter Burgan With “Got Pus?” T-Shirt

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 16th, 2009 in Fashion, Male Singers.

KROQ Almost Acoustic Xmas - Day 1

We’re starting to believe we’ve got Alicia Silverstone psychic powers.

A few days ago, we informed you that AFI’s Hunter Burgan was crowned Vegan Ambassador for MacBeth shoes and that Davey Havok would soon make a grand publicity announcement to ensure his name remained king in vegan fashion.

Sure enough, Davey’s got a new T-Shirt in his Zu Boutique Clothing line to demonstrate what dairy milk contains-pus.

Yes, that’s gross, but is there really a prettier way of putting it?

The “Got Pus?” shirts, mocking the famous “Got Milk” slogan, are promised to be 100% somatic cell count free. Somatic cell count is a quality indicator of milk that increases in response to bacteria, such as staph, which then causes mastitis, a condition where pus filled abscesses form around the nipple. 

Yes, we know. Got vomit bag yet?

Like other Davey fashions, this shirt is limited edition, and once all 100 of them run out, they’re gone for good.

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One Response to “Davey Havok One Ups Hunter Burgan With “Got Pus?” T-Shirt”

  1. This is stupid Says:

    Fuck this Milk is fuckin good and I’m gonna keep drinking it and who gives a fuck it doesn’t hurt the cows to be milked so why are you wasting your worthless time on this shit when you got chickens and pigs and shit to worry about