Quantcast Vegetarian StarLeilani Munter Assembling Her Eco-Dream Team For 2009

Global Green USAs 6th Annual Pre-Oscar Party - Red Carpet

When vegetarian professional race car driver and environmentalist Leilani Munter first started talking about environmental issues on her racing website, she got mixed reactions.

Some were excited to embrace the discussion of being eco-friendly. Others said she was “brainwashed by Al Gore,” because she promoted An Inconvenient Truth.

But the important thing was at least they were talking about it, something that wasn’t happening before.

Like it or not, race car driving is one of the biggest spectator sports in the country and to leave millions of fans in the dark about what’s going on with the earth would just be plain irresponsible.

She recently appeared on NPR, discussing her 2009 plans to put together an Eco-Dream Team where the race cars will show a public service message to race fans, promoting greener actions, such as using energy saving light bulbs. She also wants to set up eco-education centers at the racetracks.

Listen to Leilani’s interview on NPR.

Photo: Nzcowboy13 on Creative Commons

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