Quantcast Vegetarian StarWho Would You: Lauren Bush Or Chelsea Clinton

Lauren Bush is the niece of George W. If you don’t know who Chelsea’s mom and dad are…you probably haven’t been awake enough during these past years to even vote in our poll. Relations to the right, relations to the left, both know what’s right when it comes to putting vegetarian food on their plates. So who would you…

The Cinema Society's Screening Of
CAMPAIGN 2008 - Democratic National Convention Day 2 - Denver

Who would you...rather have veggie burger lunch with?

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One Response to “Who Would You: Lauren Bush Or Chelsea Clinton”

  1. Tim Says:

    I’d like to meet both of them myself, but I think Chelsea’s got a little more story to tell.

    I think people automatically see Lauren “Bush” and get turned off. You have to remember, she’s the niece, nothing more. She’s done a lot of work for humanity groups, designed her bag, etc. She’s not Bush evil.

    She even changed the name of her new clothing line to Lauren Pierce (grandmother maiden name) so people wouldn’t associate the name with it.

    She’s the “green” sheep of the family. 🙂