Quantcast Vegetarian StarDilbert’s Scott Adams Asks If Cow Sightings Make You Salivate

Dilbert’s Scott Adams Asks If Cow Sightings Make You Salivate

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 18th, 2008 in Cartoonists, Pop Culture.


Scott Adams is the creator of the popular Dilbert cartoon series that has launched a thousand laughs about the office, management, and the regular 9-5 grind most of us partake in.

Adams is a vegetarian and also has a blog, where, like cartoonist Dan Piraro, he sometimes like to discuss his beliefs about the lifestyle.

In one of his posts, he said that in order for humans to be natural meat eaters, two things must take place:

1. Eating lots of meat wouldn’t increase your health risks.
2. Seeing a cow would make you salivate if you were hungry

He then goes on to argue that if eating meat is that natural, meat eaters shouldn’t have to barbecue things up or shape them into steaks and so forth. Obviously he’s gotten lots of comments about the argument, but we can’t help but give him credit for such a brillant and hillarious way to argue against meat eating. The next time your friend chomps into a hamburger, ask him if sinking his teeth into live cattle rump would produce the same experience!

Don’t forget to check out Scott’s blog from time to time!

Photo: Tricia on Wikimedia Commons

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