Quantcast Vegetarian StarRise Against’s Brandon Barnes Talks Global Warming, Sarah Palin

greendaii on Flickr

The drummer of the all vegetarian band Rise Against, Brandon Barnes, sat down for a little one on one chit chat with tomtimms.com where he talked about how easy it is to be veg and gave some thoughts on global warming and Sarah Palin.

This isn’t the first time Brandon has expressed himself on the 2008 vice presidential candidate. She must stir up a world of opinions!

So it was sorta by chance you all were vegetarians and had the same beliefs.
Yeah we all have same politics, not all bands have that dynamic. We’re all veggie and minded on those beliefs.

How is it on the road and finding the grub.
Well the catering is all veggie, restaurants are very accommodating to vegetarians. We can get pasta and veggie burgers. Most major cities now have vegetarian restaurants.

What do you think about Governor Palin talking about the ice glacier’s not melting due to Global Warming.
Yeah I saw the skit with Tina Fey on SNL, one of her lines was “There isn’t global warning, its just god hugging us a little tighter”. Most of the major scientist in the world agree that global warming is the cause, so you can’t really argue against it as its pretty much fact. I think alot of the Republicans wanna believe it’s not. Climate change does go in cycles, however they wanna keep drilling. What happened to the battery operated car, it’s a possibility. There are all these people who own oil and sell oil there keeping things like that from developers as they wanna make more money. Sarah Palin probably does know.

Read the rest of the interview with Brandon at tomtimms.com.

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One Response to “Rise Against’s Brandon Barnes Talks Global Warming, Sarah Palin”

  1. Greg Says:

    Interview was done with forthesound.com originally.