Quantcast Vegetarian StarGreen Day’s Mike Dirnt Debuts Vegan Macbeth Shoe, 45 RPM

Green Day MySpace Music The List Concert

Mike Dirnt of Green Day has been busy in more than one studio lately.

Besides recording the band’s latest album, 21st Century Breakdown, Mike’s been plugging away at Macbeth’s vegan shoe headquarters, putting the finishing touches on his personally designed shoe, the 45 RPM.

Like most other Macbeth shoes, the 45 RPM is completely vegan. The style comes in both low top and high top varieties and are available at Journeys.com.

Vegan shoes are comprised of several materials that are either natural or synthetic, such as nylon or PVC, and often designed to imitate the look of leather. Even the glue holding the materials together is free of animal products.


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One Response to “Green Day’s Mike Dirnt Debuts Vegan Macbeth Shoe, 45 RPM”

  1. Jessica Says:

    It’s nice to see more vegan shoe options for men-my husband always feels left out when I can find so many for myself! He loves Vegan Chic http://www.veganchic.com for their selection and price.