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Alicia Silverstone

Move over Oprah!

You may have been vegan for a week or two. You may have had a book club.

But Alicia Silverstone‘s been doing it veg for years and now she”ll be making the reading recommendations.

The actress has announced on her blog, The Kind Life, that she’s starting The Kind Book Club.


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Meatless Mouthful–Why Kathy Freston Likes Fake Meat (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, February 25th, 2011 in Authors, Food & Drink, Meatless Mouthful.

Kathy Freston "Veganist"

“Here’s why I’m unabashedly pro-faux: It’s much better for human health, exponentially better for our environment, and infinitely better for animals.”

“I wish that we lived in a world where every family had the time, know-how, means, and motivation to prepare healthful, from-scratch meals brimming with organic vegetables, whole grains, and slow-cooked beans. There is no doubt that this is the ideal, and that we’d all be a lot better off if we ate this way.”


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Alyssa Milano

Looks like we won’t be tossing Alyssa Milano in the basket of female vegetarian celebrities who start chowing down on fried chicken during their pregnancies.

The Hall Pass actress revealed during a premiere of her new film that she “can’t get enough broccoli.”

Whew! So glad she didn’t say “beef stir fry” after the word “broccoli.”

Craving meat when you’re a pregnant vegetarian may be tough when you want to stick to your ethics, but there are also dangers that come with some of those unusual, uncontrollable desires.


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Biz Stone Thinks Both Farm Sanctuary And Egypt Teach Empathy

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, February 25th, 2011 in Animal Issues, Business.

Biz Stone

The last time someone attempted to show a connection between the U.S. and Egypt, it was Jon Stewart forcing a camel to stand outside in the snow. As you can see from the video, that attempt was a big FAIL.

The vegan co-founder of Twitter has made a connection between a historic uprising in the Middle East and one of the United State’s most active sanctuaries for abused and abandoned farm animals, Farm Sanctuary. In Biz Stone‘s opinion, both the sanctuary and the events in Egypt teach the lesson of human empathy.

“I think empathy is what it’s about,” Stone was quoted by the Herald Tribune as saying. “Technology in general, and social media especially, are helping the world become a smaller place. These days, you can look down on your mobile phone and see what’s happening halfway around the world, walk in their shoes, and feel an empathy you wouldn’t otherwise feel.”


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Jon Fitch Explains His Weird Diet On MMA Journal (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, February 25th, 2011 in Athletes-Games-Sports, Food & Drink, Videos.

Ever since Jon Fitch picked up a copy of the man’s guide to going vegetarian and vegan, Skinny Bastard, he’s gotten tough.

This guy’s so tough, you don’t want to fight him. Ever. Instead, you want to be his friend so he’ll make yummy meals for you like the kind he demonstrates in this YouTube video posted on his journal in an entry titled, “My ‘Weird Diet’ Explained.”

Fitch’s typical breakfast might consist of oatmeal sweetened with agave syrup and flavored with hemp milk. For lunch, it’s tofu stir fry and rice. He likes his nuts, but will only eat them if raw and organic. An excerpt from his journal on his new weird diet can be viewed below.


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James Jones–Miami Heat Forward Discusses Vegetarian Diet

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, February 24th, 2011 in Athletes-Games-Sports, Food & Drink, Videos.

James Jones

Last week, MMA fighters took the spotlight reserved for veg male athletes.

This week, it’s time to take a look at NBA players and legends whose game got better without gammon.

During a celebrity pizza making contest on Gordon Ramsay‘s Kitchen Nightmares, Miami Heat forward James Jones piled his pizza with meat toppings he’d never eat. When it’s time to order pizza for himself, Jones does things differently.

“But you see, I didn’t eat the pizza,” Jones told ESPN about the competition. “I’m the weird guy. I only eat pizza with straight sauce.”


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Meatless Mouthful–Fran Healy On Changing The World

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, February 24th, 2011 in Male Musicians, Male Singers, Meatless Mouthful.

Travis Fran Healy

“Trying to change the world is a one-way ticket to a sore head. You just need to try to be a good human being. And if by dong that, you inadvertently change the world, then great. Try to be a decent person, it’s the easiest thing you can do. If everyone did that, we’d all be cool. We’d feel like we were living in a utopia.”

Fran Healy, singer and song-writer for the Britpop band Travis. In late 2010, Healy released a solo album, Wreckorder, which featured Paul McCartney. As a thank you to McCartney for collaborating with him on the album, Healy went vegetarian. An interview with Healy on his new veg lifestyle and music career can be found in the March 2011 issue of Vegetarian Times.

Photo: PR Photos

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Robin Quivers Weighs In On Oprah Going Vegan

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, February 24th, 2011 in Food & Drink, Nutrition-Health-Fitness, Radio Hosts.

Robin Quivers

Robin Quivers took a break from filming her web-based cooking show, Vegucating Robin, to blog at the Huffington Post on Oprah‘s most recent vegan stint.

Quivers’ post highlights how the several hundred Harpo staffers that went vegan with Oprah may have alleviated some of the most common medical problems caused by diets, if only for the short duration they stuck to the diet. She reminds readers that even the United States government is now telling people eating a more plant-based diet may go a long way to maintaining good health.

It’s not known how many of Oprah’s staffers continued the diet after the challenge was met. But Quivers hopes many at home who watched the episode will continue the course, seeing how taking control of one’s own health through the food he or she eats may do more than any discovery in the medical or biotech lab.


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