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Chipotle Founder Steve Ells Is A Meat Reducer

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, April 21st, 2011 in Business, Flexitarian, Food & Drink, Restaurants.

Those who weren’t familiar with Steve Ells before tuning in to America’s Next Great Restaurant were probably at least familiar with his Mexican restaurant chain, Chipotle.

Ells is trying to make Chipotle as sustainable as possible, sourcing local ingredients and aiming for organic when available.

Ells, a meat eater, is concerned with the destruction large scale farms have done in terms of both environmental impact and animal cruelty. That’s why not only is he sourcing Chipotle’s pork from a network of smaller farmers who pledge to treat animals better and do not use hormones or antibiotics, he’s also working to lessen the amount of meat he eats.


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Jamie Oliver Talks Importance Of Organic And Local With Maria Rodale

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, April 21st, 2011 in Chefs, Children, Food & Drink.

Unlike the Los Angeles Unified School District, not everyone is so secretive about their kitchen when it comes to letting Jamie Oliver snoop around.

Maria Rodale, CEO and Chairman of American publisher Rodale Inc., had a discussion with Oliver about the importance of organic and local food and children’s nutrition for her column, “Maria’s Farm Country Kitchen.”


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Earth Day is Friday, April 22nd and eco-friendly vegan actress Alicia Silverstone has shared her tips for making you more beautiful without making the planet ugly.

Silverstone has named several of her favorite eco-friendly beauty brands, including the brand she put her name on, EcoTools. EcoTools has released a second set of environmentally friendly makeup brushes and bags, including Silverstone’s favorite, the hanging valet made from natural hemp and cotton, with recycled PET lining.


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A few weeks ago, we featured a catchy little song about vegan protein by Jonathan Mann, the guy who’s gained national attention for writing a song every day since 2009. Best of all, he gets PAID to do it, and his written jingles for the likes of people like Steve Jobs.

When he doesn’t have his hand in the vegan cookie jar, Mann is either writing, singing or uploading his creations to YouTube and his site, Songatron.com. Vegetarian Star was lucky enough to catch him when was wasn’t doing either! Here’s the exclusive interview.

Why did you decide to start writing a new song daily?
It started in 2009. I got a flyer for Fun-A-Day, which is a project where folks are invited to make one piece of art for everyday in the month of January. I decided to keep going because it’s been a great exercise for revealing the “good” songs that are inside of me, and it’s also been a nice, media friendly calling card. Also, I really enjoy the back and forth with my YouTube based audience.

A little technical question: RockCookieBottom.com and songatron.com have pretty much the same content. Can you explain more behind the two website names?
Rock Cookie Bottom was a tumblr blog that I had had just laying around for a while, and when I started Song-A-Day, I used it to post all the videos. It had a bunch of things lacking, however, so eventually I got songatron up and running. Which is better, but still lacks, I think!

I read you named the first site “rockcookiebottom” because you have a love for baking cookies. I’m assuming these are vegan cookies. Tells us your favorite vegan cookies to bake and eat.
Do. Bake. Too. Many. Cookies. Ivory said something like, “You’re going to reach the rock cookie bottom of your cookie making!” in reference to how often I make them. It’s a very emotion based thing for me, cookies are tied to being a kid and baking with my mom. I mostly go off of Colleen’s [Colleen Patrick-Goudreau] recipe in “The Joy of Vegan Baking”, though I’ve tried a bunch of others and have been known to…ahem…experiment.

Obviously, we really love the vegan song you sing with your girlfriend Ivory King, “Vegan Myths Debunked.” What was your motivation for writing this?
You know, I think it just kind of happened. We always get asked all these questions, so it seemed natural to turn them into a song.


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Russell Brand used to be known as a drug using, sex-crazed star going in and out of rehab more often than some stars switch from vegetarian to vegan and back again.

Much has changed now, but that doesn’t stop producers from casting him in roles similar to his former self, such as in Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Get Him to the Greek.  Brand is currently portraying yet another playboy in a remake of Arthur, the story of a drunk with no ambition in life who has a chance to inherit a large sum of money by marrying one particular woman.


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The “Old Spice Guy” Isaiah Mustafa told the world months ago he was following a vegan diet.

The good news is, he still is.

The bad news is, he needs a lesson on vegan cooking because even a woman who loves his scent won’t stick around if the only vegan item he can make is an almond milk shake.


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After several months of reviewing recipes, it was down to three finalists in the competition to choose one tasty, original vegetarian dish to be included in the Linda McCartney Foods frozen entree  line.

Those three finalists starred in their own commercials that were aired during ITV1’s This Morning Show, cooking their dishes and asking viewers to vote for them.

In the end, between Kate Ford’s hearty mushroom, ale and puy lentil pie, Susan Edward’s butternut squash and spinach lasagne and Robert Stordy’s vegetarian moussaka, only one was chosen to be included in the food line.

Watch Paul McCartney himself announce the winning dish, which will hit the stores in August, below.


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Steve Wynn’s La Cave Offers Vegan Gardein And More

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, April 19th, 2011 in Business, Food & Drink, Restaurants.

A few months ago, it was announced that Steve Wynn had welcomed famous vegan chef and cookbook author Tal Ronnen to help create vegan items for the menus at Wynn Las Vegas and Encore dining establishments

QuarryGirl has been tipped off that one of Steve Wynn’s restaurants, La Cave, is already on board with its vegan menu.


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