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The midterm elections are over, but one former politician will be asking for your vote soon, as PETA holds its Sexiest Vegetarians contest for 2011.

Insiders reveal former President of the United States, Bill Clinton, is definitely a candidate.

“Clinton will surely be a popular nominee in next year’s contest,” said PETA’s Jaime Zalac, according to U.S. News and World Report.

On the advice of two famous physicians and authors, Dr. Dean Ornish and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Clinton turned to a plant-based diet in hopes it may repair some of the damage to his cardio system he’s sustained over the years after learning of a study that showed most individuals who stopped eating animal products were able to reverse signs of heart disease.

Photo: PR Photos

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“The notion that you need animal food as protein is one of the great conspiracies of bullshit by the government. Did we not all grow up saying we had to have four glasses of whole milk a day for healthy bones? It’s ridiculous. It’s liquid cholesterol.”

Steve Wynn, entrepreneur behind the famous Las Vegas Wynn Casinos who was rumored to have turned vegan weeks ago. If there was any doubt about the rumor, it’s definitely official–Wynn’s vegan and is talking all about it at Las Vegas Weekly, from putting vegan items on his restaurant menus to how going vegan lowered his cholesterol to the DVD he distributed to all his employees that made him stop eating meat the moment he watched it, Eating.

Photo: PR Photos

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Slice Of Vegan Celebrity Birthday Cake To (Drum Roll)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, November 4th, 2010 in Actresses, Birthdays.

A big slice of vegan birthday cake goes out to the following vegetarian or vegan celebrities today.

Photo: PR Photos

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Two vegan gents represented Farm Sanctuary’s Walk for Animals this year.

John “spider legs” Salley hosted the event, which took place in over 75 U.S cities and even included a “virtual” walk while Biggest Loser coach Bob Harper served as the celebrity spokesperson.

Guess it comes down to whether you want to gulp down Salley’s homemade root beer or munch on Harper’s Roasted Cauliflower as a side dish with your veggie burger.

Between the two celebrity Farm Sanctuary representatives, who would you rather…

Who Would You Rather Do Veggie Burger Lunch With?

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Alicia Silverstone On Organic Dairy Pitfalls

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010 in Actresses, Animal Issues, Farming, Food & Drink.

Alicia Silverstone has blogged about the truth behind the dairy industry, even farms labeled “organic” and what it means to millions of dairy cows in the world.

Organic dairy requirements basically require the farmer comply with the following rules:

* All feed must be organic
* Animals must have unrestricted access to pasture
* No antibiotics or hormones are allowed, with the exception that sick animals must be treated as needed and removed from the herd

But, as Silverstone points out, organic does not necessarily mean animals are treated more humanely and ultimately every cow that becomes depleted of the ability to produce milk is sent to slaughter.


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Michelle Rodriguez Postpones Sea Shepherd Tour (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010 in Actresses, Animal Issues, Videos.

Michelle Rodriguez has postponed her work with the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society because she wants to spend more time in the ocean and her filming schedule now is preventing that. “I have to go work. I have to go make some money — because I want to do three months,” Rodriguez says in this video. “I don’t want to go for a month and sit around and look cute.” The LOST and Avatar actress discusses how she grew up in an animal-loving vegetarian family and has kind words to say about Sea Shepherd Captain Paul Watson. “I love Paul. I’ve heard about him since the Green Peace days. He’s been an activist for many, many years. I guess I’ve just always been interested in learning from him…I gotta lot to learn from the guy.” Rodriguez’s lesson will be put on hold until next year as well as fans’ opportunity to watch her in action. Watch the video below for Rodriguez’s wish for all dolphin and whale hunters. (more…)

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In addition to a mostly vegan, organic, whole-grain bread company’s English Muffins, Men’s Health Magazine has chosen EDEN Organic company’s beans (EDEN Organic Black Beans, EDEN Organic Spicy Refried Black Beans) found in BPA-free lined cans as one of the “125 Best Foods For Men” in its November 2010 issue.

BPA, short for bisphenol A, is a chemical found in the materials used to line canned food and drink products and an endocrine disruptor associated with abnormalities of the male and female reproductive system as well as some cancers.

For males, BPA has been associated with numerous sexual problems, including reduced sperm count and motility and erectile dysfunction and ejaculation problems. Clearly, any male interested in protecting one of his most valuable assets will want to heed Men’s Health advice immediately.


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Further evidence that a vegetarian or vegan should never take a job involving handling meat, as your duties may including eating on the job.

It seems at one McDonald’s restaurant in Porto Alegre, Brazil, a manager was required to taste test every day for “quality control.” Naturally, he blew up like a golden arch to 230 pounds and was awarded $17,500 for the damages, enough to purchase some healthy vegetarian items to help get him on his way back to the healthy 154 pounds he weighed on day one of the job.


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