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Vidya Balan

Vidya Balan and MP Dr. Shashi Tharoor have been chosen as PETA India’s Sexiest Vegetarians in an online poll.

Bollywood star Balan said of the honor, “Adopting a vegetarian diet may seem like a small choice, but it has an enormous impact on the world around us. The ‘hottest vegetarian’ recognition is an honour, but if you ask me, everyone who goes vegetarian is ‘hot’, since they each make the world a better place every day.”

She has plenty of hot company in India, as some polls indicate the percentage of vegetarians in the country range from 20-42 percent.


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Kris Carr Makes Juice Not War On “Good Morning America” (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, January 18th, 2011 in Authors, Food & Drink, Recipes, Videos.

Kris Carr, author of Crazy Sexy Diet and several other books, appeared on Good Morning America for its “New Year, New You” series to discuss her new book and offer advice on eating a plant-based diet for better health. Diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer eight years ago, Carr made the switch to a veg diet and, as the GMA host described, “is thriving.”

Carr shared her daily breakfast drink, which consists of several green vegetables, a pear and a hint of ginger.

“The rest of the time I like to look at my plate and least 50% is covered in plants, greens,” Carr said when asked what her remaining meals for the day looked like. Brown rice, millet and beans are examples of what makes up the remaining 50% of her meal.

The recipe for Carr’s morning beverage drink can be viewed here.

An excerpt from Crazy Sexy Diet can be found here.

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He wants them. He wants them so bad. It’s driving him mad, it’s driving him mad.

Paul McCartney has posted a video on his official website inviting fans to submit their recipes for a chance to be added to the Linda McCartney line of vegetarian foods, a brand founded by his late wife. The winner will also get some face time in everyone’s kitchen, as their photo will be placed on the package with the winning dish.

To enter, simply fill out the form on the website and upload any photos. Every week, favorites will be selected like American Idol. The three finalists will be selected this month and people will then vote on the three finalists.

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The Kind Diet

Pregnancy spent on the couch eating dairy-free ice cream may sound like a dream come true, but it’s far from the way Alicia Silverstone is spending her days with child.

The actress who authored the vegan diet and cookbook, The Kind Diet, is still out and about being an activist and will be giving a speech next month on February 3rd, titled “An Afternoon with Alicia Silverstone on the Environment” at the University of Central Florida. Silverstone’s speech will begin at 3 p.m. in the Pegasus Ballroom of the Student Union.


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Russell Simmons recently chatted with Don Imus on Imus In The Morning and the two spent a considerable time discussing Simmons’ veganism. Here’s a little bit from the conversation.

Simmons: It’s one of the worst karmic disasters in human history. Fifteen billion suffering farm animals.

Imus: People, who, for example, go get a big ol’ bucket of chicken. The way those chickens are housed and slaughtered and tormented. I really think you’re taking on the karma of the chicken. These are tormented, tortured animals. They can feel pain just like you can.

One interesting twist: Imus is a vegan too. He’s also a cattle rancher. Watch the clip to hear Simmons’ response to the idea of Imus’ support of humane slaughter of animals.

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NFL Logo

Lane’s House of Lane Catering & Food was one of several businesses lucky enough to score a contract with Super Bowl officials this year and will be offering 2,000 vegetarian bruschettas to party-goers at the Super Bowl tailgate party outside the Cowboys stadium in Arlington.

Dallas News deliciously described the bruschettas as consisting of, “traditional French baguette, a raisin-cinnamon loaf and a sun-dried and Kalamata olive round.”


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“Saturday Night Live” poked fun of the Fox News channel and its group of conservative hosts, including Glenn Beck and Greta Van Susteren, who’s played by vegetarian Kristen Wiig.

Fox News is re-branded from the often seen as vitriolic to the “civil, polite network,” something MSNBC’s James Carville, played by Bill Hader, doubts will ever work, as he jokes:

“Today I had nice lunch with Arianna Huffington, Michael Moore and my friend Lucien — he’s a gay soldier. We ate at a vegan restaurant, which is nice because it means no animals got hurt. Which is important, because animals are just people with fur. Isn’t that nice Sean Hannity?”

But the guys at Fox aren’t always as bad some make them out to be. Hey, at least Glenn Beck will call out Al Gore for promoting environmentalism while still eating meat, which wastes water, pollutes water and contributes to greenhouse gases.

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Martin Luther King Jr. Day Prompts Questions Of Food Equality (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, January 17th, 2011 in Authors, Farming, Food & Drink, Videos.

The Martin Luther King Jr. holiday is usually a reflection on racial equality and the gains this activist (who’s family embraced a veg diet) made in schools and other aspects of public access.

Equality is not just restricted to being able to eat at a restaurant, but also the ability to access quality, affordable food at supermarkets. Some might argue that we haven’t reached equal opportunity in this area.

Bryant Terry, vegan chef, author and food justice activist, gave his thoughts about how access to wholesome food may be connected to institutional racism at culinate.com:

Bryant Terry

Bryant Terry

“The first thing that comes up for me when I hear that question is the fact that just one percent of farmers in the United States are African-American, and that since the 19th century African-Americans have been systematically denied access to land.”


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