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Susie Feldman–Susannah Feldman– Corey Feldman Divorcing

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, October 28th, 2009 in Couples.

NSF & GQ Magazine's Stop Puppy Mills Humane Society Benefit

Always sad to see a veg couple split.

But like our beloved Hayden Panettiere and Milo Ventimiglia, once happy vegetarian couple Corey Feldman and his wife Susie Feldman have called it quits after seven years of marriage.

Susie filed for divorce, citing “irreconcilable differences”.

The couple has a five year old son who they’ve raised veg since birth and have participated in numerous vegetarian and animal welfare events for organizations such as PETA and the Humane Society.

via msn.com

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Slice Of Vegan Celebrity Birthday Cake To (Drum Roll)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, October 28th, 2009 in Actors, Birthdays.

Guess who's under the dark glasses and fuzzy beard?! It's Joaquin Phoenix!

A big slice of vegan birthday cake goes out to the following vegetarian or vegan celebrities today.

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Stella McCartney, Blood Type O, And Vegetarian Diet

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, October 27th, 2009 in Fashion, Food & Drink.

McCartney Family Launch Meat Free Monday - Photocall

Could Stella McCartney‘s blood type doom her to a meat eating diet one day?

In an article from the Times Online:

“Even now, I exercise regularly, and I’ve still put on weight in the past few weeks. If I eat wheat, potatoes or rice, all the nice stuff, I just blow up. I’m O positive, which, apparently, is the meat-eating blood type — obviously not great for me.”

Stella’s talking about the controversial Blood Type Diet, advocated by Peter D’Adamo, who advocated eating certain types of foods based on the Blood Types of O, A, B, and AB.

However, missing from D’Adamo’s prescribed program is the lack of clinical data.

Plus, Type O’s are said to do best on high protein diets-not just meat.

So hold the seitan and potatoes if you must.

But pile high the dozens of other high protein vegetarian foods on your plate.

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Natalie Portman On Jonathan Safran Foer “Eating Animals”

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, October 27th, 2009 in Actresses, Books, Food & Drink.

Natalie Portman attends Toronto International Film Festival

Natalie Portman recently revealed that after flirting with veganism, she made the permanent switch after reading Jonathan Safran Foer‘s book Eating Animals.

Portman took to the Huffington Post to explain her motivations and decisions that arose from reading the book and her thoughts on factory farming and using animals for food.

On Her Switch To Veganism
“Jonathan Safran Foer’s book Eating Animals changed me from a twenty-year vegetarian to a vegan activist. I’ve always been shy about being critical of others’ choices because I hate when people do that to me. I’m often interrogated about being vegetarian (e.g., “What if you find out that carrots feel pain, too? Then what’ll you eat?”).”

On Factory Farming
“The human cost of factory farming — both the compromised welfare of slaughterhouse workers and, even more, the environmental effects of the mass production of animals — is staggering. Foer details the copious amounts of pig shit sprayed into the air that result in great spikes in human respiratory ailments, the development of new bacterial strains due to overuse of antibiotics on farmed animals, and the origins of the swine flu epidemic, whose story has gripped the nation, in factory farms.”

Read Natalie’s entire article at huffingtonpost.com.

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“The Conscious Cook” Tal Ronnen

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, October 27th, 2009 in Authors, Books, Chefs, Food & Drink.

One of the best things about running a website is all the cool complimentary gifts.

Okay, so our mailboxes aren’t overflowing every hour, but still, we’re rewarded from time to time.

One such reward is the The Conscious Cook by Tal Ronnen.

We received a copy of The Conscious Cook and our mouths are watering from the high resolution color photographs that accompany every recipe.

Ronnen helped create Oprah Winfrey‘s meals during her 21 day vegan cleanse and also assisted Chrissie Hynde in her menu for  her restaurant, The Vegiterranean.

Stay tuned this week for our exclusive interview with Chef Tal Ronnen.

Chef Ronnen begins with a forward by vegan author Kathy Freston and a welcome to meat eaters.

Ronnen opens his pantry and shares some of his favorite items to cook with, including the popular faux meat product Gardein.

As Chef Ronnen himself said, “Being vegan means eating everything in the world except animal products,” and the recipes chosen back up his statement, from finger foods to soups and salads to sandwiches and full entrees.

A bonus to The Conscious Cook is the “guest chef” section–filled with advice and cooking styles from vegetarian and vegan chefs who cooked up great food at  famous veg restaurants like NYC’s Candle 79 and The Vegiterranean.

The Conscious Cook retails for around $29.99 and is worth every penny.

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Rory Freedman “Don’t Steal This Morning Show” On Organic Food

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, October 27th, 2009 in Authors, Food & Drink, Videos.

Skinny Bitch Rory Freedman sat down with Jessica and Matt (and dog TV anchor) from Don’t Steal This Morning Show to discuss her thoughts on organics, raw food, and healthy eating.

Rory got a call from a viewer who wanted to know if organics were worth the dough.

Here’s what Rory had to say:

“Everybody wants to complain that organic produce is more expensive than conventional produce, but here’s the thing: It’s your body and it’s your health. So out of all the things that you’re going to be spending money on whether it’s like bullshit jewelry or clothes or purses or where you live or something for your apartment or your house, the most important thing you can spend money on is what you put in your body.”

Right on, bitch!

Watch the entire segment above for more.

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Dr. Neal Barnard

Dr. Neal Barnard

When Marilu Henner was asked who to Award the Veggie Guy Power label to, she answered:

“Dr. Neil Barnard for creating PCRM (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine). He’s great at getting the word out, and he looks so damn good doing it!”

PCRM is a network of doctors and other individuals who work to promote more ethical practices in medicine, research and health care.

They are for alternative methods of testing to animal research and advocate a vegetarian diet.

Dr. Barnard is the president of PCRM, has authored several books, contributed to academic journals and lay magazines and has been a proud veg since discovering the ribs in his med school cafeteria resembled the cadavers he worked on in the lab.

He’s also quite good looking.

Hmm…Maybe the PCRM could promote their mission better if their doctors did do nude veggie PSAs.

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We’ve already learned some of what Alicia Silverstone eats while in New York.

Now, vegan girl has gone all out and listed all her favorite restaurants on her new blog, TheKindLife.com.

Stogo, Candle 79 and Angelica Kitchen are just a few on the list.

Here’s a video of Alicia getting ready to grub at her one of her favorite dessert spots-BabyCakes Bakery.

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