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Alicia Silverstone “Wall Street Journal” Eating Cheap Advice

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, November 11th, 2009 in Actresses, Books, Food & Drink.

Alicia Silverstone The Kind Diet Book Launch Party

Alicia Silverstone spoke with the Wall Street Journal about her book The Kind Diet.

It’s no secret eating healthy isn’t always cheap, but when you compare the cost of good produce now to cardiac problems and other food related diseases later in life, you’ll find the investment pays off.

Alicia gave some tips on making a healthy, vegan diet work, even if you’re on a budget.

WSJ: Sometimes organic and specialty foods can be more expensive. Do you have any advice for people on a budget?

Alicia: You can do this and this will be cheaper – unless you’re eating at Mc Donald’s everyday. I cant argue with that, cause that’s just cheap. I think it can be a lot cheaper because steak and meat are really expensive. When you start shopping at a local farmer’s market, the food is really inexpensive because it’s in season. At the end of the day, after you take away all of the nasty foods and add the good foods, your grocery bill will level out.

“Nasty” foods being processed, sugar filled-usually things that are already prepared, thus costing more money anyway.

Read the entire interview with Alicia at wsj.com.

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Ginnifer Goodwin “Adopt-A-Turkey” “Farm Sanctuary” PSA (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, November 11th, 2009 in Actresses, Animal Issues, Videos.

Ginnifer Goodwin is showing some Big Love for her turkey co-star in this Farm Sanctuary ad for their Adopt-A-Turkey Program.

“Turkeys are smart, friendly animals,” Ginnifer begins. “Sadly, millions are killed and eaten every Thanksgiving. This year, celebrate the holiday by saving a life.”

Farm Sanctuary’s turkey adoption program is only a one time donation of $25 and will cover the cost of letting one turkey live happy and free on the sanctuary grounds.

You can also purchase gift certificates for friends and family.

For more information, visit adoptaturkey.org or call 1-888-SPONSOR.

via celebritymound.com

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Heather Mills’ “Redwood Wholefood” UK Most Ethical Company

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, November 10th, 2009 in Business, Food & Drink.

Redwood Foods

Redwood Foods

The recently acquired by Heather Mills Redwood Wholefood Company has been named UK’s Most Ethical Vegetarian Food Supplier for the 4th year in a row.

Four years a winner?

Must be like the intense pressure of keeping a 4.0 GPA.

The Ethical Company Organization (ECO) lists the maker of vegetarian foods in its latest edition of The Good Shopping Guide, an ethical reference book.

Redwood received a 91% in its Ethical Company Index, which was the highest score received based on the company’s policies and actions towards the environment, human rights, and animal welfare.

“Concern for the environment, human rights and animal welfare has always been at the heart of everything Redwood does,” Heather said. “We pride ourselves in offering the very best in ethical meat-free foods that help people adopt a kinder, more compassionate lifestyle.”

“I’d particularly like to thank the incredibly loyal and conscientious employees at Redwood, who believe passionately in all that they do, for their endless support and enthusiasm, because they have made the company what it is today.”

Linda McCartney Foods and Quorn are other vegetarian brands featured in the guide, but received lower scores than Redwood.

via responsesource.com

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“Babycakes Covers The Classics And Other Food Fantasies”

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, November 10th, 2009 in Books, Chefs, Food & Drink.

Erin Author Photo Book Copy

Erin McKenna. Photo Credit: Clarke Tolton

Erin McKenna has scored a deal for her second cookbook, titled Babycakes Covers the Classics and Other Food Fantasies.

McKenna is the founder and owner of BabyCakes NYC, a popular bakery for celebrities and mere unknown everyday mortals which features sugar-free, gluten-free, vegan desserts.

McKenna’s second book will make you ooze with agave syrup as she plans to include donuts, pancakes, Girl Scout cookies and even mac and cheese.

McKenna’s first book, BabyCakes : Vegan, Gluten-Free, and (Mostly) Sugar-Free Recipes from New York’s Most Talked-About Bakery, was such a great hit, she’s not getting away with any free time soon if her editor has anything to do with it.

Says McKenna on her blog:

About 37 seconds after “Babycakes” the cookbook came out I was cradling it my arms like a newborn. Just then my editor, Aliza Fogelson, phoned and the conversation went something like this:

Aliza: Hey Erin! The book is doing great, congratulations!
Me: Thanks!
Aliza: How about writing another one?
Me: No
Aliza: Yes
Me: No
Aliza: Yes
Me: Ok

Babycakes Covers the Classic and Other Food Fantasies will be published by Clarkson Potter.

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Stephen Glover–Steve-O–Campus Talk Magazine 2009

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, November 10th, 2009 in Actors, Animal Issues, Food & Drink.

Stephen Glover "Steve-O" Court Appearance

Stephen Glover, aka Steve-O “Jackass” is featured in the latest edition of Campus Talk magazine.

It may as well been called the Stephen Glover Veggie Files, because Steve’s interview is all about his vegetarianism.

Now that’s what we call an education.

Here are a few excerpts:

On Eating Meat and the afterlife:
In 2008 I came across a YouTube video that basically scared me into believing I was going to go to Hell if I kept eating meat. After that I became a pescetarian and the only meat I ate was fish. I figured if Jesus was down with eating fish then I could too. I’ve since become completely vegan.

On Not So Animal Friendly television stunts:
I remember PETA having an issue with the first stunt I ever did for Jackass where I swallowed the Goldfish and then puked it back up. There were actually a few situations on Wildboys that compromised my morals but for the most part we made sure Wildboys was a very animal-friendly show.

TMI about that Cruelty Doesn’t Fly Video:
The commercial for the fur campaign was really a lot of fun. Not many people can say they’ve been stripped searched by Pamela Anderson. The crazy thing is when we were shooting I had a big poop stain on my underwear which was kind of embarrassing.

Oh, Steve. You could have spared that last bit of information.

To read the entire interview, visit mycampustalk.com.

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Meatless Mouthful: Why Ellen DeGeneres Went Vegan

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, November 10th, 2009 in Meatless Mouthful, TV Hosts.

23rd Annual Genesis Awards - Press Room

“I personally chose to go vegan because I educated myself on factory farming and cruelty to animals, and I suddenly realized that what was on my plate were living things, with feelings. And I just couldn’t disconnect myself from it any longer. I read books like “Diet for a New America” and saw documentaries like “Earthlings” and “Meet your Meat,” and it became an easy choice for me.”

“If you choose to educate yourself, it’ll be an easy choice for you, too. Click here to take a look at a variety of reasons for living a vegan life.”

—-Ellen DeGeneres, on her television show website, where she not only shares her reasons for going veg, but gives videos of cooking demonstrations, recipes, examples of plant based proteins and more to help her fans learn about the diet and lifestyle.

It’s easy to see why this woman won favorite vegetarian celebrity.

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Jonathan Safran Foer “Eating Animals”–11 Things To Do Instead

Written by Vegetarian Star on Sunday, November 8th, 2009 in Authors, Books, Food & Drink.

Jonathan Safran Foer "Eating Animals" Interview

Jonathan Safran Foer "Eating Animals" Interview

A smart aleck by the name of Foster Kamer wrote a post for Gawker.com on some alternative ways to spend you time instead of reading Jonathan Safran Foer‘s latest book, Eating Animals.

Here are just a few things Kamer says you can do besides read Jonathan’s book:

6. Eat some tacos. Pork tacos.

7. Eat some bacon (but don’t be obnoxious about it).

8. Eat a bacon cheeseburger.

Number 11 on Kamer’s list is the taker–“STFU” (Shut The (Expletive) Up).

How nice.

Eating meat must hamper your creativity skills because “burger” is way overused on the list. C’mon. Kamer could have at least branched out and said something like, “Build a model White Castle restaurant from old newspaper, then recycle it.”

At least that would have made the part time, greenie vegetarians a little happier.

Seriously, if the only way to respond to an opinion that’s different than yours is with cutesy, junior high school retorts, you had better not use that “humans can eat meat because we’re superior to animals” argument.

The number one thing to do instead of writing a nasty column on why people shouldn’t read Foer’s book?

1. STFU and (tie)
2. Read the book. Then STFU.

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“Bones” “The Tough Man In The Tender Chicken” (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Sunday, November 8th, 2009 in Animal Issues, Film & TV, Videos.

The recent episode of Bones that highlighted animal rights issues, The Tough Man In The Tender Chicken, contained both serious discussion and humor.

The story centered around the murder of a farmer set to inherit a factory farm.

During the episode, activities that take place in a poultry plant were shown, including the crowding of the animals and debeaking (ouch) that occurs in newborn chicks.

If you missed the episode, take a look now!

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