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Natalie Portman And A Vegetarian/Vegan Pregnancy

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, January 13th, 2011 in Actresses, Children, Nutrition-Health-Fitness.

Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman is expecting her first child with her fiance she met on the set of Black Swan, Benjamin Millepied.

Portman follows a mostly vegan and sometimes vegetarian diet, so her pregnancy should be filled with late night cravings for her favorite foods like hummus.

Pregnant vegetarians and vegans have an abundance of professional resources available to them. The Cleveland Clinic, one of the United States’ top hospitals, has a page on its website listing nutrition tips for every type of pregnant vegetarian, including vegans.

Gabrielle Harradine, an editor with Vegetarian Times, took her vegetarian experiences with child to a blog, documenting everything from animal friendly moisturizing belly balms to ridding the home of toxic cleaning materials.

And Alicia Silverstone recently included an extensive, 3-part series on vegetarian and vegan pregnancies with a registered dietitian and critical care nurse who’s also a chef and cookbook author.


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Mario Batali and Alton Brown have both made resolutions this year to eat more animal and environmentally friendly. Batali says he will learn to cook more vegetarian meals while Brown, who is already eating mostly pescatarian, will start eating eggs from chickens he raises in his backyard so he won’t have to “worry about the chickens welfare, or what’s in the egg.”

Between the two celebrity chefs, who would you?

Mario Batali "Molto Gusto"

Photo: Lawrence Lansing/Creative Commons

Who Would You Rather Do Veggie Burger Lunch With?

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Subway Offers Falafel Sandwich. Chipotle Drops Vegan Filling.

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, January 12th, 2011 in Business, Food & Drink, Restaurants.

Some good veg things don’t last forever, and the same is true when some restaurants put vegetarian or vegan items on the menu.

Chipotle is pulling the vegan burrito filling from most of its Los Angeles locations, according to Quarry Girl, citing lack of demand.

On a good note, however, is the fact that Subway is and has been offering falafel in the Chicago area since September.


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Jamie Oliver is bringing his popular “Food Revolution” show back to the United States, but this time, schools aren’t letting him in their cafeterias.

According to the LA Times, Oliver’s request to revamp school lunches in the Los Angeles Unified School District were turned down, a statement coming from spokesperson Robert Alanz reading, “Reality TV has a formula. You either have to have drama or create conflict to be successful. We’re not interested in either.”

But who will ban the pink milk and throw the french fries in the garbage can?

Unfortunately, California schools have had already had drama in their cafeterias in the past. The issue was not even related to improving food nutrition, but about basic food safety.


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Okay, Gleeks, Gleekettes, Gleekers and those who in general want to see Lea Michele in a bikini or Cory Monteith wearing nothing but his high school Cliff notes. Here’s your chance to win autographed paraphernalia from the Fox television series and help an organization promote vegetarianism, animal rights and environmental issues.

Charity Buzz is conducting an auction of various Glee items that will benefit PETA. Fans may bid on eight different packages, including “An Incredible Package From Lea Michele” featuring the following items:

* Six 11″ x 17″ Glee posters signed by Lea Michele

* One 43″ x 27″ Glee poster signed by Lea Michele

* One signed Glee t-shirt with mixtapes on it (women’s – M)


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Dr. T. Colin Campbell‘s book, “The China Study,” was named by Bill Clinton as a strong motivator for him going vegan. But in an interview with the New York Times, Dr. Campbell insists he doesn’t like using the words vegetarian or vegan. He and his family have been eating what he calls a “100% plant-based diet.”

He says his studies don’t necessarily indicate eating completely vegan is better than having a little animal products every now and then. But it couldn’t hurt to go veg all the way for future protection.

“I don’t use the word “vegan” or “vegetarian.” I don’t like those words,” Campbell said. “People who chose to eat that way chose to because of ideological reasons. I don’t want to denigrate their reasons for doing so, but I want people to talk about plant-based nutrition and to think about these ideas in a very empirical scientific sense, and not with an ideological bent to it.”


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Bob’s Burgers is a new series on Fox about a family ran burger business and all the hilarity that ensues during a normal workweek at a small-owned business. With the word “burger” in the title, you know it’s no vegetarian paradise, but even if you eat meat, you might find your next burger joint visit revolting if the owners are anything like the Belcher family.

Take episode one, for example. Tina Belcher, one of Bob’s daughters, announces she has a rash in her pubic region and states she might not be good with the grill due to the fact one hand will be tied up scratching the region.

Next door appears to be either a PETA or an anti-PETA office, with the acronym PFETA (People For Eating Tasty Animals?). There’s a “Meat is Murder” sticker on the window, but we’re still unsure if this is a legitimate AR office or a mockery that’s been targeted. On the other side is a crematorium (where the regular customers go earlier than most, we’re sure).

The special for one day was so inappropriately titled “The Child Molester Burger” because it comes with a piece of candy to lure customers to it.

To top it all off, the health inspector, responding to a rumor that Bob’s puts human remains in its burgers (maybe someone found a strand of Tina’s pubic hair in there), says that’s only okay if the burgers contain the FDA allowed amount of 4% or less human flesh in them.

Bob’s Burgers is still funny because we’re dealing with cartoon characters. However, a recent study found kids in real life should stay clear of all burgers even if they aren’t associated with child molesters. Children who eat more than 3 burgers per week may be at a higher risk for asthma and wheezing. There’s no data on whether or not these burgers also give them pubic rashes. Maybe those are the patties with human remains in them.

Full episode one of Bob’s Burgers can be seen below.


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Slice Of Celebrity Vegan Birthday Cake To (Drum Roll)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, January 12th, 2011 in Birthdays, Directors and Producers.

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