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Kathy Freston

Kathy Freston‘s interview with Vanity Fair for its February 2011 issue is posted online in an article aptly titled, “The Vegan Monologues.”

Freston’s honesty is refreshing, as she discusses growing up in a world of meat and fur, and admits she’s not a perfect vegan.

Some may be shocked to learn that while she sports Stella McCartney non-leather shoes, she still wears wool.


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Weird Al Yankovic Knows Where Hamburgers Come From

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, February 4th, 2011 in Books, Children, Farming, Food & Drink, Male Singers.

Al Yankovic

Today in the world of shocking news, a reporter from Celebrity Baby Scoop learns that hamburgers are made from beef, which comes from dead cows.

The blog interviewed Weird Al Yankovic, who’s just published the children’s book we told you he was working on, When I Grow Up.

When asked why he became a vegetarian, Weird Al said, “Many years ago I found out something about hamburgers that really grossed me out. You may not know this, so I hope I don’t make you sick, but it turns out hamburgers are actually made out of dead cows. I am not making this up. Needless to say, as soon as I discovered that, I gave up meat entirely.”


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Brian Greene Uses Vegan Cheese To Explain His Theories

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, February 4th, 2011 in Food & Drink, Recipes, Research + Science.

Brian Greene
Theoretical physicist Brian Greene has been making the rounds in the pop culture world promoting his latest book, The Hidden Reality, which discusses the possibility of alternate universes and parallel dimensions.

Stephen Colbert recently took a jab at Greene and Taco Bell when he hosted Greene on “The Colbert Report” and asked him if there was a universe where Taco Bell actually served real beef.

Greene, a vegan, who’s also served as science consultant for Hollywood, used his vegan lifestyle to sarcastically respond to Colbert and now, he’s using non-dairy cheese to explain his theory of multiple universes.

Greene’s work is sometimes called string theory. Is this string cheese theory?


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Janet Jackson Targeted At Concert By Anti-Fur Activists

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, February 4th, 2011 in Animal Issues, Female Singers, Fur.

Janet Jackson

Animal rights activists in the Philippines staged a protest outside a Janet Jackson concert recently and also met with the singer’s representatives because she promotes fur through a series of advertisements for the label Blackglama.

The activists wore grim reaper costumes and carried placards reading phrases such as, “Janet: Animals suffer and die on fur farms,” “Janet: Fur is Dead,” and “Fur Shame.”

And yes, if you remember reading previous posts on Janet, she is a vegetarian who sometimes eats vegan and has also publicly gushed over how great vegan cookies, soy milk and faux chicken nuggets taste.

The irony.

The activists say the demand for fur contributes to loss of biodiversity and that the industry uses endangered species.


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Kim Barnouin Approves Vegan Kaeng Raeng Detox Cleanse

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, February 3rd, 2011 in Authors, Food & Drink, Nutrition-Health-Fitness.

"Skinny Bitch: Ultimate Everyday Cookbook"

"Skinny Bitch: Ultimate Everyday Cookbook"

Kim Barnouin has given one vegan cleanse two bitch slaps up.

On her website, HealthyBitchDaily.com, Barnouin discusses the Kaeng Raeng Detox Cleanse, a 100% vegan, gluten-free, peanut-free, caffeine-free cleanse with no artificial colors, sweeteners or preservatives.

“I swear by vegan detox meal replacement program Kaeng Raeng,” writes Barnouin. “Kaeng Raeng helps to peel off pounds, relieve bloating, improve digestion, bolster immunity, enhance energy, and give you that natural vegan glow – without depriving you.”


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Barbara Walters

On Friday, February 4, 2011 at 10:00 p.m., Barbara Walters will host several well known celebrities who’ve had heart surgery on an ABC special, “A Matter Of Life And Death.”

Walters, a heart surgery patient herself, will feature David Letterman, Robin Williams, Regis Philbin, Charlie Rose and former President Bill Clinton.

Ninety percent of Clinton’s arteries were blocked and he needed quadruple bypass surgery. After recovering, Clinton learned about a study that showed most patients who follow a plant-based diet can reverse their heart damage and decided to give it a try.

Today he still follows that diet and while he’s reached his goal of walking daughter Chelsea down the aisle, he’d like to play with a grandkid or two in the future, which gives him another reason to stay on the course. The clip doesn’t show Clinton talking specifically about the diet, but it’s a good bet he’ll bring it up as a way to illustrate how he’s changed his lifestyle since the surgery.


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“USA Today” Says Flexitarians Top Marketing Trend In 2011

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, February 3rd, 2011 in Business, Flexitarian, Food & Drink.

A recent USA Today article lists appealing to those who flex eat as a top marketing trend in 2011.

Under a heading titled, “Flexitarians R Us,” the online component to the newspaper states that 47% of consumers are trying to reduce their meat intake and explains who the most flexible people are.

According to Cathy Schneck, vice president of marketing at Kellogg Frozen Foods, which produces MorningStar Farms vegetarian frozen foods, it’s women in their mid-forties.


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Mark Bittman Debuts New York Times Opinion Column With Food Overhaul Ideas

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, February 3rd, 2011 in Authors, Food & Drink.

Mark Bittman

Mark Bittman has started his opinion column for the New York Times which he has promised to dedicate to issues relating to making food more sustainable.

The former author of the Times “Minimalist” series has wasted no time expressing his views on where the food industry should be going. And that direction is one that includes encouraging more home cooking, better food labeling and outlawing concentrated animal feeding operations while pushing towards plant-based diets.


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