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This past weekend, the Food Network hosted its first ever breakfast making competition, which featured vegan donut baker Sara Beth Russert from Seattle’s Mighty-O donut bakery.

Russert won the challenge, beating out two other bakeries in a contest where bakers had to created donuts based on themes in two rounds of competition.


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Several celebrities have inked themselves in temporary color to support a campaign of the Humane Society International to end the sale of animal-tested cosmetics in the UK by 2013.

“It’s upsetting to think that right now thousands of animals are enduring painful tests for cosmetics that could end up being sold on EU shop shelves,” said Leona Lewis. “So I’m sending a plea to EU politicians to have a heart for animals by keeping their promise to ban the sale of animal-tested cosmetics in 2013. If companies can’t sell their products, they’ll stop animal testing, and we’ll be one stop closer to the whole world being cruelty-free.”


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Shahid Kapoor Knows Chicks Love A Vegetarian (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, April 11th, 2011 in Actors, Food & Drink, Videos.

PETA has launched a brand new ad featuring Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor promoting vegetarianism.

Holding two chicks in the palms of his hands, Shahid flashes a smile that helped him win PETA India’s Sexiest Vegetarian of 2009 award.

“I love chicks… pigs, cows, fish, and all the other animals too,” Shahid said. “That’s why I turned vegetarian.”

“I am very happy being a vegetarian and I believe that it is the best way to be. The day I started believing in the fact that I would want not to kill animals for my taste buds that is the day everything changed for me.”

A video featuring a behind the scenes interview with Shahid during the shoot can be viewed below.


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“First it’s important for me to say I’m not perfect and that for me, it is about the principle. Sustainability is important, recycling is important. I think it is a mind-set: everyone can do really simple things to make a difference, every little bit counts and there is still a long way to go. My first job is to be a fashion designer — my first job is to make desirable, luxurious, beautiful clothing and accessories that women want to buy but I will always take the opportunity to use a beautiful organic fabric. I obviously don’t use any animal skins or furs in my collections which has a huge impact on the planet. About fifty million animals die for the sake of fashion ever year, which is extremely wasteful and significantly contributes to climate change as farming uses a lot of water, energy and land, devastate forests and pollutes oceans.”

Stella McCartney to Fabsugar on her committment to the earth when creating clothing.

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Natalie Portman Drops Being Vegan

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, April 11th, 2011 in Actresses, Food & Drink, Nutrition-Health-Fitness.

Oh, say it ain’t so!

Natalie Portman has made the official announcement to the world that since she become pregnant, she’s dropped veganism from the starring role in her life.

“I actually went back to being vegetarian when I became pregnant, just because I felt like I wanted that stuff,” Portman said. “I was listening to my body to have eggs.”


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They’re rough. They throw punches. But they won’t bite you if you’ve ever had a mother.

Four MMA fighters who follow vegetarian diets were recently highlighted on the home page of UFC.com, the Ultimate Fighting Championship website.

Jake Shields, Mac Danzig, Aaron Simpson and Jon Fitch are four men that do a fine job of  representing both UFC and vegetarianaism.


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Sheryl Crow has made her vegetarian and vegan fans happy by releasing a cookbook filled with recipes created with the help of her personal chef Chuck, who just so happens to be a vegetarian, that are veg-friendly.

One of the best ways to make a high-protein plant-based meal is to use a soy crumble alternative in place of hamburger.


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Slice Of Celebrity Vegan Birthday Cake To (Drum Roll)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, April 11th, 2011 in Birthdays, Female Singers.

A big slice of vegan birthday cake goes out to the following vegetarian or vegan celebrities.

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