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Meatless Mouthful: Russell Simmons On Animals, Planet, America

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, October 20th, 2009 in Business, Meatless Mouthful.

Russell Simmons rides his bicycle in Miami Beach

“Sometimes I’m amazed that we are still breathing. With horrible abuses of animals, the planet and human kind, it’s amazing that we are still here. But now I’m really afraid that our beloved country, America, is standing on its last wobbly legs. I’m worried that the karmic effects of our negative actions will finally come home to roost. Our lack of compassion and love could actually consume us. However, we are still being given signs from the universe, glimpses of hope and opportunities to rise up and live up to our promise. The whole world wants us to succeed. The whole world wants us to lead.”

Russell Simmons, in an article at huffingtonpost.com on America’s future.

If America is expected to be the leader, how close is it to setting a good example for animal welfare and nutrition for its citizens?

via Ecorazzi.com

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Jason Mraz Fish Taco Sins Revealed

Written by Vegetarian Star on Sunday, October 4th, 2009 in Food & Drink, Male Musicians, Male Singers, Not So Vegetarian.

Jason Mraz Performs On NBC's "Today"

So back when Jason Mraz called himself a vegan fishitarian, we wondered if Jason really did sneak some occasional fish or was attempting another one of his sarcastic remarks.

We feared the worst, and it’s true. According to sfgate.com, Jason remains vegan for most of the time, but gives in to flipper ever now and then.

Q: Do you ever give into temptation and microwave a convenience store bacon cheeseburger?

A: No, I never give in. Only when I’m home in San Diego. That’s when you might find me pulling in for a fish taco.

Ah, the disappointment!

Jason’s diet for the other 99% of the time is convenient as it saves him the hassle of prep time on the road.

“My food is mostly raw vegan. You don’t have to cook too much when you’re in that world. So I might steam some quinoa, and then everything else is just fresh produce. Otherwise you’re eating truck-stop food, which is no bueno.”

Jason Mraz and the fish taco. Russell Simmons and his occasional egg noodles. Are there any good 100% real vegan men standing?

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Russell Simmons made a Tweet recently discussing the cultural use of the “N-word” among young African-Americans and those in hip hop culture.

“Honestly I’m more concerned about people eating animals or abusing the planet or sitting still for wars then the use of n word”

Russell’s stance on putting issues that affect everyone before any particular group is reminiscent of Chrissie Hynde‘s statement that she didn’t give a falafel about feminism, only meat eaters and non meaters.

However, to make sure no one was offended, Russell followed up with this Tweet:

“I do not like to say hurtful things to people .some are offended by the n word for those who are I apologize”

Any thoughts?

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Russell Simmons Mission: Relieve Human, Animal Suffering

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, September 15th, 2009 in Business, Food & Drink.

Russell Simmons and Keri Hilson front row at the Charlotte Ronson at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Spring 2010 Collection, NYC

The vegan, yoga fanatic Russell Simmons sat down with chron.com and gave some thought on health care and improving humanity.

A few excerpts:

As a health-conscious, yoga-practicing vegan, what kind of health-care reform would you like to see?
“Ask people in the aisle, if you speak to Congress. Ask them how many people don’t take money from the health-care industry. Ask them that, and then everybody can be in silence. And then you ask them, “Do you feel comfortable, we’re the only country in the civilized world that doesn’t take care of their sick?””

How would you describe your personal mission?
“To relieve suffering of people, animals and the planet. That’s a life’s goal, to get people out of struggle and to promote consciousness.”

“On a smaller level, giving them the opportunity to go out and achieve and giving them the courage and the confidence … to go out and achieve and change the world — be the change themselves.”

Russell never fails to drop a line about how anybody, anywhere in the world can change themselves by adopting a veg diet.

Sounds like he’s already taken a big step in relieving suffering for both humans and animals.

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Russell Simmons Praises First Ladies, Tila Tequila

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, June 16th, 2009 in Business, Fur.

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Great minds must think alike!

We recently gave props to Tila Tequila and First Ladies Michelle Obama and Carla Bruni-Sarkozy for speaking out against the fur industry and proclaiming their fur-free status!

Now, Russell Simmons has blogged at the Huffington Post, giving praises to the above individuals for the actions.

“Our blogger, Tila Tequilla, trumped all of our other celebrity bloggers by handing in the most viewed and commented blog in the history of Global Grind on the subject of animal abuse.”

“…Michelle Obama and France’s first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy have declared themselves FUR FREE!!! Last week marks a shift in human consciousness.”

“We are finally, after years of going head to head with the fur industry, changing the way the world views fur. It is no longer being viewed as a way to floss and show off your status or bank account – it is now a billboard of cruelty on people’s back.”

Read the rest of Russell’s post at Huffingtonpost.com.

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Russell Simmons Calls Out Barack Obama On Burger Joint Visits

Written by Vegetarian Star on Saturday, June 13th, 2009 in Business, Food & Drink, Politicians, Videos.

Oh yeah, Russell. Tell it like it is!

Barack Obama has been making a habit of visiting burger joints with the public watching. There was the Ray’s Hell Burger outing (yes, burgers are hell for many involved) with vice president Joe Biden. And the Five Guys Famous Burgers and Fries visit with NBC journalist Brian Williams.

We called Obama out, and now Russell Simmons is putting in his two cents in a politico.com video.

Russell suggests Obama get something healthier like a falafel.

Watch the video to hear Russell chastise Obama. Our favorite quote? “He’s young,” Russell said, referring to Obama needing to learn to make better choices. LOL! The elders are telling you to each your veggies, Barack.

via obamafoodorama

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Russell Simmons Trades Vegan Lobster For Pasta At Teatro Goldini

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, June 10th, 2009 in Business, Food & Drink, Restaurants.

Children Uniting Nations 4th Annual National Conference

If school officials need to do anything about the curriculum, they should include more nutrition classes!

Specifically, students should spend an entire semester learning what constitutes vegetarian, vegan, and whatever else in between. Because not knowing is just as bad as not picking out the largest continent on the map!

Russell Simmons recently attended a dinner while taking care of business for his Children Uniting Nations (CUN), a nonprofit for at-risk and foster youth in partnership with his Hip Hop Summit Action Network.

When a publicist found out Simmons was vegan, she stated, “Well, he can eat the lobster.”

Uh, heck no, those lobsters don’t grow in the ground!

It’s understandable not to expect non vegs to know how to make nacho cheese with nutritional yeast, but if it moves in a tank and pinches you when you tick it off, how can you not know that’s not vegan?

Simmons eventually got a vegetable pasta entree prepared for him at Teatro Goldini, but he still had to bend his veganism a little to keep from starving.

“I don’t normally eat pasta because it comes from eggs, but sometimes you have to.”

Yeah, especially when the only other vegan option is lobster.

via washingtontimes.com

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Hip hop mega mogul Russell Simmons doing his morning yoga and swimming routine

We know there will always be hot chicks at the yoga studio Russell Simmons visits, but now we know exactly where to find them.

The hip hop businessman likes putting himself into a pretzel at Jivamukti Yoga School in New York city where he can also visit their Vegan Café, featuring veggie soups and sandwiches.

If you’re not hungry, you can always get in the mood to shop at the retail store and pick up some vegan pet food or clothing made from natural and sustainable resources like hemp.

The founders of the school, Sharon Gannon and David Life, regularly host benefits for animal and environmental causes.

Lots of star sighting can take place here as celebrities like Sting and Uma Thurman have been known to pay a visit.

via Hollywoodscoop.com

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