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Chris Rock–Natalie Portman “Salad Shooter”–Gotham Film Awards

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009 in Actresses, Comedians, Food & Drink.

IFP's 19th Annual Gotham Independent Film Awards - Show

Are jokes that make fun of vegans funny or offensive?

At the recent Gotham Independent Film Awards, Chris Rock jokingly called vegan Natalie Portman a “salad shooter.”

Innocent enough.

Natalie responded with a look that could kill without a slaughterhouse.

Relax, Nat.

At least everyone knows where you stand on health, animals and the planet.

And Chris Rock has said much much worse things before.

via gawker.com

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Alicia Silverstone Poo Poo Steak Insight (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, December 1st, 2009 in Actresses, Food & Drink, Videos.

Alicia Silverstone chatted with Ken Spector at the Green Lounge Project where they talked and talked about vegetarian food, Alicia’s favorite restaurants and the myths of free-range meat.

“It’s legal to have fecal matter on your meat,” Alicia says.

“So when you buy a cellophane wrapped steak, you’re getting poo poo too.”

So that’s it.

The question of what “mystery meat” is has been answered.

Watch the clip to learn why one of Alicia’s favorite “restaurants” is her own kitchen.

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Ginnifer Goodwin Vegan Mac And Cheese Cheating Heart (Recipe)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, December 1st, 2009 in Actresses, Food & Drink, Recipes.

Prada Book Launch Cocktail at Prada Beverly Hills

Vegetarians are just like most other human beings, meaning that around the Holidays they will stuff themselves so much, you’d think a farmer was planning to make foie gras out of them.

InStyle magazine asked Ginnifer Goodwin what her Holiday “cheat” was and Ginnifer responded, “I don’t eat animal products of any kind, but I have a big problem with vegan macaroni and cheese.”

Who wouldn’t have a problem controlling themselves with a dairy free version of one of the biggest comfort foods on the planet?

Most homemade vegan mac and cheese will contain nutritional yeast, which not only adds that “cheesy” color, but brings out a rich and creamy taste.

This holiday season, try out this recipe from vegweb.com, Mama Koala’s Vegan Mac and “Cheese.”

Because cheating on dairy is always forgiven.

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Natalie Portman Gives Ice Cream Alternatives (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, December 1st, 2009 in Actresses, Food & Drink, Videos.

As you know by now, Natalie Portman recently went vegan after reading Jonathan Safran Foer‘s new book, Eating Animals.

Nat was interviewed at the Gotham International Film Awards when she was asked how on earth she survives without her ice cream.

“There’s still Rice Dream and soy milk ice cream and occasionally if you can find ethically produced dairy, you can have it,” Natalie said.

How does a vegan get their ice cream fix?


That’s like asking a veggie how she gets her protein.

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Woody Harrelson, Ed Begley Jr. Two Non Hypocritical Greenies

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, December 1st, 2009 in Actors, Environment-Eco-Green.

Premiere of The Messenger

Self proclaimed environmentalists who still eat meat are criticized for their diet’s impact on the earth.

And a celebrity who claims to live green while owning seven private jets and flies their favorite jelly from Italy to Australia has some explaining to do.

The Times Online has featured an article on the top celebrity green hypocrites, but two stars were listed as the exception to the rule–vegetarians Woody Harrelson and Ed Begley Jr.

“Ed Begley Jr from St Elsewhere and Best in Show became a vegan in 1970, bought one of the first electric cars, and has lived for years in a self-sufficient house that uses not just solar and wind energy but a toaster powered by a stationary bicycle.”

“The famous neo-hippie Woody Harrelson lives in a sustainable community in Hawaii, grows most of his food, uses only solar power, wears hemp clothes, eschews animal products, and fuels his car with biodiesel.”

Not surprising that two veggies were spared from being blacklisted in the green hypocrisy database.

Any smart environmentalist knows that meat’s not green and meat and dairy production emits more greenhouse gases than all forms of transportation combined.

Read the article at the Times Online to learn about John Travolta‘s five private jets, Barack Obama flying a chef across the country just to make pizza (hello, Dominoes?) and other celebrity green hypocrite examples.

via greendaily.com

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Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project TOMS Shoes Collaboration

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, November 30th, 2009 in Actresses, Fashion.

Charlize Theron at the AFI FEST 2009 Screening of The Road

Charlize Theron has collaborated with TOMS Shoes company to raise money for the Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project (CTAOP).

TOMS donated 10,000 pairs of shoes that will be available December 15 2009 and a portion of the proceeds for each pair sold will go towards the CTAOP.

One of the greatest bonus points of this charitable partnership is that the shoes to be sold are vegan friendly!

A description from toms.com reveals a description of the shoes as, “LiViTY eco-textile and vegan friendly construction, embroidered native baobob tree on over-dyed canvas, Lining with Africa Outreach Project logo pattern.”


The shoes are available in both women’s and men’s styles, titled “Baobob Sunset” and “Baobob Night,” respectively.

The CTAOP works to create a safer and more comfortable life for African children and families living in poverty, particularly those with HIV/AIDS.

TOMS is best known for its One for One program, where every pair of shoes purchased is matched with a donated pair to a child in need.

The company features a good selection of vegan friendly shoes made with recycled products.

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Family Guy “Dog Gone” Brian Griffin Does Animal Rights (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, November 30th, 2009 in Animal Issues, Pop Culture, Videos.

A recent episode of Family Guy has Brian Griffin‘s interest in animal rights peak.

After an evening of drinking, Brian hits another dog, but no one cares.

In disgust, Brian starts the Quahog Animal Equal Rights League, with the intention of teaming up with a bigger animal rights organization in the future.

While explaining his plans to Stewie, Brian points to a dog and says, “Do you think he wants to be tied to that chair, waiting for his owner to get ice cream? Hell no!”

If only all dogs could talk like Brian.

Watch the clip above for the full episode to learn why the dog at the ice cream shop was tied up to begin with.

via Ecorazzi.com

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Jonathan Safran Foer–Vegetarian Stereotype Is Caring Person

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, November 30th, 2009 in Authors.

Jonathan Safran Foer. Credit: David Shankbone on Wikimedia Commons

Jonathan Safran Foer. Credit: David Shankbone on Wikimedia Commons

If you ever get tired of hearing people describe what they think the stereotypical vegetarian is, take heart in knowing best selling author Jonathan Safran Foer has a great counter argument.

Vegetarianism is about caring, Jonathan insists.

And regardless of race, gender, geographic location or religious affiliation, most people really do care.

From expressnightout.com:

EXPRESS: And those words are so caught up in issues of identity and lifestyle. If you’re a vegetarian, it means you a certain type of person…

FOER: But caring about it makes you every sort of person. I’m not saying that as an exaggeration. Ninety-six percent of Americans think animals deserve legal protection, which is a radical statistic if you think about it. That means if you don’t care, you are way on the margins of society. It’s not Berkeley, it’s Middle America. It’s very Christian, very Judeo-Christian, and Muslim to worry about dominion, to worry about stewardship. Just mainstream values. If at my readings I could have had a mini factory farm up there with me, people would call the cops. People would leave. Nobody is okay with it in my experience, and I wish the conversation could reflect that instead of asking if you think it’s right or wrong to eat meat, which is actually a totally unimportant question. The answer to that question doesn’t really matter, given the world we live in. I don’t even know my answer to that question.

So, if most people care, how do we get more of them to go veg?

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