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Jonathan Safran Foer “Eating Animals” VegNews Magazine

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009 in Authors, Books, Food & Drink.

Jonathan Safran Foer "Eating Animals" Interview

Jonathan Safran Foer "Eating Animals" Interview

Best selling author Jonathan Safran Foer has a new book out, Eating Animals.

Foer had been an on again/off again vegetarian for years, but never really took the time to learn about the rational reasons for doing so. When his wife became pregnant, he decided it was time to educate himself so he could teach his child why going vegetarian is the best diet for humans, animals, and the planet.

In a recent interview with Vegnews, Jonathan elaborates on why people still find no fault in eating meat, especially factory farmed meat.

“Peoples’ responses to food, the reason they take it so emotionally and so many smart, informed people continue to eat this stuff—it’s not because they’re ignorant, it’s not because they’re evil. It’s because there’s a large component of our decision-making that isn’t reasonable. The challenge is to persuade people, or show people, even those parts that aren’t reasonable, things like cravings, are actually better satisfied by not eating them.”

“I think the better way to talk about it is like a series of these choices. Like how can one try to make the best choice as often as possible? The “best” meaning the choice that is in line with their values. Despite the array of values that Americans have, if everyone ate his values, nobody would eat factory farmed meat. And I think, frankly, very few people would eat any kind of meat. Nobody’s values lead them there. It’s only forgetfulness.”

Read Jonathan’s entire interview at vegnews.com.

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Warren G Might “Regulate” With Vegan Diet

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009 in Food & Drink, Male Singers, Nutrition-Health-Fitness.

2009 VH1 Hip Hop Honors - Arrivals

All you hip hop children of the 90s will be happy to learn Warren G has released his 7th album, The G Files.

But this isn’t the 90s anymore and G Funk is getting older just like the rest of us and he’s seriously rethinking his lifestyle, especially since his Regulate mate Nate Dogg experienced a stroke in his 30s.

From omaha.com:

Q. How’s Nate Dogg (who suffered his second stroke of the year in September)?

A. He’s in slow recovery … in therapy. He’s progressing real good. We’re praying for a fast recovery.

Q. Did his stroke come as a shock?

A. It was an eye-opener for everyone. We’re all getting older. When you hit 40, I’m not 40 yet, but when I do that’s when it’s time to think about all these diseases like prostate cancer. I’m going to have my system clean. Hey, I might become a vegan. You never know. I need to exercise more. Right now I’ve been eating a little bad lately. I had McDonald’s the other day. I don’t have too much fried food. When we do cook fried food at home, I try to cook it in olive oil.

Q. You know it wasn’t just the fried food that got Nate.

A. Yeah. But we all need to take better care of ourselves. Once Nate gets up and running, he needs to.

Regulate that olive oil, man.

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Slice Of Vegan Celebrity Birthday Cake To (Drum Roll)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, November 2nd, 2009 in Birthdays, Female Musicians, Female Singers.

Tony And Susan Bennett's Exploring the Arts Gala

A big slice of vegan birthday cake goes out to the following vegetarian or vegan celebrities today.

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Slice Of Vegan Celebrity Birthday Cake To (Drum Roll)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Sunday, November 1st, 2009 in Birthdays, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

Anthony Kiedis Hosts American Eagle Outfitters' New American Music Union - Day Two

A big slice of vegan birthday cake goes out to the following vegetarian or vegan celebrities today.

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Earthrace Sea Shepherd Delays, Skipper’s Cheese Cravings

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, October 30th, 2009 in Animal Issues.

Earthrace Sea Shepherd

Earthrace Sea Shepherd

The Sea Shepherd Earthrace boat that was set to depart from Auckland Australia and begin the journey sailing the Southern Ocean to protect whales from Japanese whaling was delayed today.

According to Skipper Pete Bethune, “last minute fit out delays” will keep the boat docked for another week.

Bethune will have one more week to give into his dairy cravings, as crew members will once again be required to eat vegan during the Whale Wars filming.

“No more cheese or chocolate on the boat so that’s pretty hard,” Bethune said.

Quick, now’s the chance for Bethune to stock up on the vegan chocolate and nut cheese before the three month sail.

Bethune is not vegetarian by choice, but following the Sea Shepherd rules.

via brisbanetimes.com

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2nd Annual NOFA-NY Luncheon - New York City

Deirdre Imus launched her own line of green cleaning products, Cleaning the Greening, for households and hospitals years ago.

Now she’s ready to green clean the world as the products are set to enter the global marketplace.

The wife of radio host Don Imus has been a vegan for 25 years and says its was quite natural to combine her passion for health and green living into a business.

A few excerpts from a recent interview with Anna Clark of Greenbiz.com:

AC: Why are toxin-free cleaning products critical to safeguarding our health?
DI: Cancer is still the leading cause of death by disease in children. And cancer isn’t the only epidemic. One in six kids is obese. One of six kids has asthma. One in eight children is born premature. One out of 60 boys is diagnosed with autism. We’ve seen rapid growth in Tourette syndrome and diabetes. Another chronic disease growing among children is arthritis.

AC: How did you execute your vision?
DI: I approached Hackensack University Medical Center to do a pilot program. In 2000, the word green wasn’t even on the map, so I didn’t expect it to be an easy sell. I walked into the CEO John Ferguson’s office with a stack of research. He stopped me in my tracks and told me to go do it. That is literally how I got started ‘greening the cleaning.’

AC: How can someone become a distributor?
DI: Interested distributors can get information at www.DIenviro.com or call and speak to Jim Ronchi or Don O’Hagan.

Read the entire interview with Deirdre.

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The Kind Diet

Alicia Silverstone has cancelled the remaining stops on her tour to promote her book, The Kind Diet, according to St. Louis Today.

The Kind Diet is currently ranked #130 on the Amazon book seller list and #244 at Barnes and Noble.

The reason for the tour cancellation is unknown.

We’ve been looking through our copy and it’s nothing less than beautiful!

Bummer that Alicia’s fans might not get their copies signed now.

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Cows And The Earth: A Story Of Kinder Dairy Farming - Book Launch Photocall

Chrissie Hynde posed with these two lovely models in a photo shoot for the book Cows and the Earth: A Story of Kinder Dairy Farming.

The book by Ranchor Prime contains a preface by Chrissie, and details an experiment which ran a dairy farm without slaughtering animals or using fossil fuels.

Chrissie got to fulfill a lifelong dream and milk a cow.

“She said to me, ‘One of the things I’ve always wanted to do before I die is to milk a cow,’ so she spent the day hand-milking cows at the manor,” a source said. “She loved it, she spent the whole day there.”

Wonder if Chrissie also got bovine autographs before the day ended.

Hynde has spoken out against the dairy industry, saying it “turns cows into robots” and uses “grotesque and archaic machinery”.

“We need to reassess our relationship to the natural world,” the singer added.

If experiments like the one described in Cows and the Earth can be applied to more dairy farms, would you consume milk again knowing no animals would be slaughtered?

via independent.co.uk

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