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Pink Twitters For Puppy Mill Awareness

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, September 20th, 2010 in Animal Issues, Celebrity Tweets, Female Singers.

Vegetarian and animal lover Pink took to Twitter to share some info about dog adoption, in celebration of Puppy Mill Awareness Day.

“Its”puppymill awareness day”and I just got back from the incredible event at La Brea Tar Pits. Chris DeRose is amazing.No more puppy mills!!”

“Puppy mills are awful, filthy, cruel places where dogs never see daylight, sleep in their own feces, and r bred over n over for pet stores.”

“Boycott pet stores people!!!!”

According to the ASPCA, puppy mills got started shortly after World War II, as a way to guarantee cash when widespread crop failures occurred in the midwest. Later in the 70s, puppy brokers on the East Coast in the U.S. convinced Amish farmers to breed dogs to be taken to pet stores and even conducted seminars to teach farmers how to operate breeding facilities.


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Brendan Brazier

Brendan Brazier

Brendan Brazier has an exclusive interview with VegNews on all the details of how actor Hugh Jackman got in touch with him for some advice on training on a vegan diet and how Jackman agreed to write the foreward for the vegan triathlete and supplement creator’s latest edition of his book Thrive.

“In the past he had eaten a lot of chicken for his role, but he took a lot of Vega, too. It turned out I was going to New York City so he said “well why don’t you just come over,” so I went over to his place and we had a great chat and he told me how he was trying out veganism for environmental and health reasons and to set a good example for his kids. It’s not just for his own career anymore, which he wrote in the forward. He was listing the reasons why he was interested in Thrive, and he was concerned for the environment. That’s definitely something that he was aware of, and wanted to help instead of hurt.”

More at VegNews.

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Carrie Underwood Would Wear Soy Tofurky Dress

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, September 20th, 2010 in Fashion, Female Singers, Food & Drink.

Lady Gaga has too much power in the gossip world, which is exactly what she wanted to gain.

Meat dresses. Prosciutto bikinis. Sustainable fish dresses. The best however, is a soy meat dress.

During an interview with KMLE radio station in Phoenix, vegetarian Carrie Underwood was asked if she would ever wear a meat dress.


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Singapore Airlines has released a cookbook called Above & Beyond, A Collection of Recipes from the Singapore Airlines Culinary Panel. The panel is made up of some of the world’s top chefs, including Gordon Ramsay, who’ve provided expertise to the chefs at Singapore Airlines.

Fox took the cookbook’s debut as an opportunity to ask frequent fliers for their recommendations on meals by airline.


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Former Miss Panama Patricia De Leon conducted a Q & A session with PETA on the atrocities of killing bulls in Spain for tradition. The Catalonia region has already outlawed bullfighting, but in other parts of the country, there is still more work to be done.

“We have so many beautiful traditions in our culture. Beautiful stuff. Why identify our culture by killing?” De Leon asks.

While most people are familiar with bullfighting, some may not have heard of the equally brutal “El Toro de la Vega,” footage of which can be viewed below.


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Tahina. Photo: Serious Eats

Tahina. Photo: Serious Eats

Michael Natkin is a vegetarian food blogger at Herbivoracious who stops by the highly trafficked SeriousEats.com website to share a meatless recipe for the Serious Meatless section.

Tahina goes great as a veggie dip, sandwich spread or drizzled over falafel, but don’t confuse it with hummus, as Natkin says many people do. Hummus is created from chickpeas while tahina is crafted from sesame seeds.

Then there’s that conundrum of how to spell it.


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Hannah Kaminsky “My Sweet Vegan” Gives Food Photography Tips

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, September 17th, 2010 in Chefs, Food & Drink.

Hannah Kaminsky

Hannah Kaminsky

Hannah Kaminsky is a vegan chef genius, having already published a dessert cookbook and several ebooks while maintaining a popular vegan blog, Bittersweetblog.

Kaminsky is still in college, and plans to continue her career as a chef and recipe developer, which includes taking her own pictures for her books and blog.

Kaminsky has an interview with Vegetarian Times where she gives some advice for fellow food photographers on how to best capture the essence of the egg substitute.

1. Keep it clean. A few errant crumbs can be nice, since you don’t want the scene unrealistically immaculate, but you don’t want splatters and splashes all over the place. Wipe the rim of plates and bowls with a towel, and make sure silverware glistens. And don’t clutter up the set with tons of odds and ends.

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“It would be great for me to end up at your restaurant and not be served portobello mushrooms with penne pasta.”

Tal Ronnen, encouraging chefs to get creative with plant based dishes. For some vegetarian patrons, portobello mushrooms and penne pasta is much more creative than the standard “house salad” or veggie burger that you can buy frozen in the grocery store option.


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