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San Francisco’s Happy Meal Ban
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In an effort to curb a high rate of obesity among children in the San Francisco area, some sources which cite is as high as 30% among 5th graders in the city, the city handed down some guidelines to area McDonalds on how they could serve toys with Happy Meals.

Starting in December 2011, toys can only be included if the meals contain less than 600 calories, less than 640 mg of sodium and less than 35 percent of calories in the meals could come from fat (less than 10 percent from saturated fat).

Daily Show correspondent Aasif Mandvi points out that keeping toys out of Happy Meals is a bad thing, considering they are the most nutritious part of the meal. The newly named “Crappy Meals” in the video contain educational information like the Periodic Table and a plastic figure of Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius who gives sobering stats on the state of children’s health.

Yeah, pretty blah. It’s much more impressive if kids get a McCruelty Unhappy Meal featuring knife-wielding Ronald McDonald, bloodied chickens and a kaleidoscope of mutilated animals. Now, THAT’S how you solve childhood obesity.

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Alexa Chung Does “Thrift America” In New PBS Series (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, January 5th, 2011 in Environment-Eco-Green, Fashion, Models, Videos.

Alexa Chung is caught in yet another moral dichotomy. She likes collecting dead things even though she considers herself vegetarian. And she loves her husband and her lover because they both are incredibly stylish.

“Williamsburg is sort of like my lover, whereas London is more like my husband. I love my husband, and I’ll always be with him, but Williamsburg is so exciting.”

Thank goodness you can’t cheat when shopping, cause Chung will be perusing many vintage stores on her upcoming PBS series “Thrift America,” scheduled to air next summer.

Consignment shops, Goodwill, The Salvation Army, you name it, are all great places to lighten your footprint by taking advantage of what’s already created instead of contributing to the demand for more clothing–and more fibers, energy and unless they’re organic, more pesticides used on the crops, like cotton.

But are they a place for old furs? If you’ve given up that lifestyle, is it okay to let potentially less fortunate people or those that aren’t buying new fur coats display them? Or would you feel more comfortable donating the piece to an animal who the fur might look a little more natural on?

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Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney is getting the thumbs up from top Hindu leaders in India for his proposal of implementing a vegetarian holiday in the nation.

Statesman Rajan Zed of the Universal Society of Hinduism, told WENN, “We, as Hindus, promote strict vegetarianism insisting on not harming living creatures and renouncing animal slaughter and meat eating.”


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Kirsten Vangsness

What’s better than a pescatarian who only eats more sustainable wild caught fish? A former pescatarian who’s even better for the environment because she eats zero fish!

Kirsten Vangsness of Criminal Minds has given up Charlie for good and become a full time vegetarian!

It appears that the CBS series where Vangsness stars as the FBI’s top technical analyst put a temporary cramp in her vegetarian lifestyle and she started to consume fish.

“It’s been 10 years, except for at the beginning of the show when I got out of it and ate fish,” Vangness told Vegetarian Times in the January/February 2011 issue.


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Matisyahu Goes Vegan And It Helps Him Keep Kosher

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, January 5th, 2011 in Food & Drink, Male Singers.


Jewish reggae star Matisyahu went vegan after reading Jonathan Safran Foer‘s Eating Animals. Did this mean he found a whole new set of restrictions to follow that made keeping kosher more difficult? Actually, it was the exact opposite, especially considering he longer has to worry about eating kosher meat.

“My diet consists of quinoa, miso, almond milk, kashi cereal, flax seed oil, oatmeal, veggies, fruit, juice, veggie burgers, etc. I guess the thing I was really into on the last tour was quinoa with flax seed oil and tamari,” Matisyahu said.

Richard H. Schwartz, Ph.D. at JewishVeg discussed the various benefits of being a vegan Jew, as it reduces the effort of eating kosher.


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Mario Batali, Celebrity Chefs Share New Year’s Resolutions

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, January 4th, 2011 in Chefs, Environment-Eco-Green, Food & Drink.

Mario Batali "Molto Gusto"

Mario Batali "Molto Gusto"

Celebrity chefs want to improve their cooking skills in 2011 like many microwave home cooking gurus out there.

In the January 2011 issue of Oprah’s magazine, “O,” several well-known cooks share what they’d like to accomplish. Raising their own chickens for more humane eggs, cooking more vegetarian meals, composting and cooking with quinoa are just a few goals of well-known foodies.

Mario Batali Will Cook More Vegetarian Meals:
“This year we want to master more vegetarian dishes, like simple bruschetta, that are fun to cook as a team.”

Martha Rose Shulman Will Replace White Rice With Quinoa:
“Quinoa is one healthy grain, full of both fiber and protein. I plan on using it in place of white rice in salads, soups, and stir-fries, like my quinoa salad with snap peas, tofu, and ginger vinaigrette.”


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Lea Michele PETA

Lea Michele PETA

Lea Michele is starring in her 2nd PETA ad that draws attention to horse-drawn carriages in New York city.

A group called NYCLASS is calling for the complete ban of horse-drawn carriages and instead replacing them with green replica electric-hybrid cars. Not only would this solve the odor problem that the horse stables give off (which some stories include filling up a school cafeteria with the funk and giving children rashes and other health problems from airborne manure particles), the cars are also able to keep pace with other vehicles on the street, reducing the chance for accidents. And finally, the horses will get rest.

“Imagine for a moment that you’re forced to do hard physical labor all day, seven days a week–whether it’s sweltering hot or freezing cold outside,” Lea says. “At the end of the day, instead of relaxing on an easy chair or sleeping in a comfortable bed, you are locked in a tiny closet all night long. That’s what it’s like for horses who are forced to pull carriages in New York City.”

“Don’t get taken for a ride. Please boycott horse-drawn carriages.”

A video of Michele with footage from horse stables can be seen below.


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Russell Simmons

Russell Simmons

“Because of the first step in yoga, Ahimsa, non-harming. The greatest cause of human karma is abuse of the ten billion farm animals that exists at all times. And then also the greatest cause of global warming, [meat] and dairy uses more oil than anybody but the army. You go to war over meat because it is the second largest use of oil. It also drains our resources, like our water, more than anything.”


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