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Tal Ronnen’s Vegan Menu For Humane Society’s Genesis Awards

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, March 15th, 2011 in Animal Issues, Chefs, Food & Drink.

"The Conscious Cook" Tal Ronen

"The Conscious Cook" Tal Ronnen

The 25th annual Genesis Awards is the Humane Society’s way of rewarding celebrities or other well-known people for their contributions to animal welfare.

Besides trophies, a great way to reward these stars is with great vegan food!

Tal Ronnen, vegan chef and author of The Conscious Cook, is in charge of preparing the menu for the event that takes place on March 19 in Los Angeles and Ok! Magazine received the word on what the stars will be munching on, including the vegan desserts.


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Meatless Mouthful–Kathy Freston Defines Veganist

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, March 15th, 2011 in Authors, Food & Drink, Meatless Mouthful.

Kathy Freston "Veganist"

“A veganist is someone who looks closely at all of the implications of their food choices — to his or her own body, to the animals, and to the environment — and then chooses to lean in to a plant-based diet. The suffix “ist” means “one who does” or “one who studies,” so a veganist takes what he or she learns and puts it into action by eating things that grow on trees or in the ground. All of this said, the word is intended as a soft word, a forgiving word. It’s all about progress, not perfection.”

Kathy Freston, author of Veganist, on her gradual transition to plant-based eating. Is Freston trying to redefine the word “vegan” so it occasionally includes animal products or advocates “cheating?” Probably not. She’s simply trying to show people that vegan means adding different things before you subtract. And this might be a better way to ensure success with the diet. And if you slip in areas like diet or fashion, it doesn’t mean you’re a vegan failure. After all, it’s a word for foods, not people.

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Out of all the things wrong with a teenage drama show on a family oriented channel (murder of the Queen Bee, dating your high school English teacher), at least Pretty Little Liars gets diet and nutrition right.

A recent episode of the show starring Ashley Benson as Hanna Marin shows Hanna opening the fridge in her kitchen that is stocked full of soymilk!

Silk Plain, Vanilla and Chocolate are what Hanna sips on when she’s not wondering what happened to her deceased friend and taking creepy, annoying text messages from the mysterious “A” character that keeps reminding the girls he/she knows everything that’s happened. Whatever may have happened.

Hanna, her mother and teen girls around the world can relax now that Silk has revealed it’s staying true to its organic roots. Sorta. The company took some heat from Whole Foods when it was discovered it started using the “natural” label on most of its products while pushing a small line of organics. Whole Foods then decided to limit the distribution of Silk.

But Silk still wasn’t using GMO soybeans then and it doesn’t now. Plus, there are still dedicated organic varieties.


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SeaWorld Releases 1,000th Rescued And Rehabilitated Sea Turtle (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, March 15th, 2011 in Animal Issues, Business, Videos.

SeaWorld hasn’t made too many friends in the animal welfare world. After a series of events involving the deaths of whales and a trainer, some want the marine park to call it quits.

On a positive note, SeaWorld doesn’t hold all of its animals captive forever.

The organization recently released its 1,000th sea turtle into the waters at Canaveral National Seashore. SeaWorld has had a turtle rescue and rehabilitation program in place since 1980.


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Meet Jessica Aguilar, also known as Jessica “Jag” Aguilar.

Looks tough and you definitely don’t want to steal her lover, insult her hair or wear the same outfit as she does to the ball.

But you may want to have dinner with her. We hope fantastically ripped Jag girl goes down in vegan athlete history as this MMA (yes, girls deliver knockout punchces too) fighter has recently embraced veganism.


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Remember those commercials produced by the Corn Refiners Association that touted the benefits of High Fructose Corn Syrup? Saturday Night Live has done its version of those commercials, mocking how the ads made those who were concerned about its effects look snobby and uninformed.

When mom 1 asks mom 2 if she’s really going to feed her child the HFCS drink, mom 2 replies the drink is simply, “made from corn, it’s natural enough and like sugar it’s fine in moderation.” She then remarks it’s not an easy decision between believing mom 1 and the “scientists,” since mom 1 is the stay at home mother who “drinks wine at 10 a.m.”

Mom 1 backs off and tries gentler conversation, complimenting mom 2 on her sweater. That’s when mom 2 confesses it used to be her daughter’s, but the daughter grew out of it. As the camera points to the daughter–drinking yet another glass of HFCS juice–it’s easy to tell the only “growing” the child has accomplished is the fat cells in her mid section and jaws.

The two original commercials for HFCS can be viewed below.


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Months ago, Linda McCartney Foods launched a contest to find someone to create an award-winning vegetarian dish to be added to the company’s line of vegetarian foods. Three finalists have now been selected.

During the week of April 4-7, 2-minute commercials will be aired on ITV1’s This Morning showing the contestants making their dishes and asking viewers to vote online for their favorite. The winner will be announced on April 11 and have their dish added to the line.

So who are the three gastronomic geniuses from the UK seeking to pleasure your taste buds?


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Alicia Silverstone‘s vegan diet, lifestyle and cookbook, The Kind Diet, has been released in paperback form.

The paperback edition contains the same useful information about transitioning to a vegan diet, whether you’re interested in eating a few vegan meals a week or going totally raw. The Kind Diet also educates readers on the animal welfare and environmental reasons that motivate some to go vegan.

What’s great about the paperback edition is that it was created in an environmentally friendly manner. The book uses soy ink and is printed on recycled paper. Not only does soy ink produce less harmful chemicals like volatile organic compounds (VOC), it also makes recycling the paper it’s printed on easier because soy ink  is easier to remove from printed paper.

As expected, Silverstone is touring to promote the paperback edition. Check out the dates below to see if she’s coming to a town near you.


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