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Saber Toothed Vegetarian Animal Discovered In Brazil

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, March 25th, 2011 in Animal Issues, Food & Drink, Research + Science.

Well, well, well.

Guess those canine teeth really weren’t meant for chewing meat after all.

Scientists have discovered the remains of a prehistoric animal in Brazil with 5-inch saber teeth. He was mean looking and may have scared other animals off, but he wasn’t interested in eating them.

Contrary to the teeth that are normally found in animals that tear meat apart, Tiarajudens eccentricus, was a vegetarian.


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If you missed the chance to score tickets to Martha Stewart‘s vegan episode, you’ve missed out on a treat. Set your TiVos now, because the domestic diva will be hosting some pretty cool famous vegans and making delicious, animal-free dishes.


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It’s a good day when mainstream brands of junk food recognize everybody needs healthier junk food.

Frito-Lay has announced it’s cleaning up the ingredient lists in more than 60 of its products, including Lay’s flavored potato chips, Tostitos tortilla chips, multigrain SunChips and Rold Gold pretzels.

Say good-bye to FD&C Red 40 and monosodium glutamate,  two items linked to hyperactivity in children and headaches and obesity, respectively. Instead, Frito-Lay performed taste tests among customers and found ways to incorporate items like molasses, malted barley flour and paprika to improve the flavors of its products.

Tim Fink, director of Frito-Lay’s seasonings team said it best when he said: “If the ingredient isn’t in a consumer’s cupboard, can we get it off the label?”

So what can we expect to see on the changed labels?

Here’s an example of the old and new labels on Frito-Lay’s Salt and Vinegar Chips.


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Activists have written to the president of the International Cricket Council, Sharad Pawar, asking him to replace the traditional leather balls used during the game with synthetic ones.

“As the so-called “Gentleman’s game,” cricket should be gentle on animals and the environment by making the switch to synthetic balls. You are in a unique position to create a change that would alleviate massive suffering and destruction,” PETA official Poorva Joshipura wrote.

Activists say not only is the use of leather causing animals to suffer, but people as well, as there are toxic chemicals used in the tanning process that pollute the environment.

In Banglasdesh, more than 90% of workers in tanning factories suffer from a severe physical malady from the exposure. These illnesses range from the acute such as asthma to serious, life-threatening diseases like cancer. Chemicals such as chromium, known for their toxicities, are regularly dumped into nearby streams and get into water supplies.

In the U.S., the equivalent sport king that uses so much leather is football. Ever wonder how many cows go into the balls used by the NFL?


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Meatless Mouthful–Tal Ronnen Says It’s Not All About Tofu

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, March 24th, 2011 in Chefs, Food & Drink, Meatless Mouthful.

“I think it’s a cliche that you are just stuck with it. I use tofu when it’s appropriate or in its traditional use form–in little pieces. In India, it’s lentils; South America, it’s quinoa; and in Asia, it’s soy. There are really great ways of getting protein and how the rest of the world gets protein.”

–vegan chef and author of The Conscious Cook Tal Ronnen, on the stereotype that everything vegetarian is made from tofu.  The next time someone sings to you, How Do You Get Your Protein?, answer them with this list of vegan sources.


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Wynn Las Vegas Hosts Vegan Cooking Course For Vegas Uncork’d By Bon Appétit

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, March 24th, 2011 in Chefs, Food & Drink.

Wynn Las Vegas

Steve Wynn‘s switch to a vegan diet has rubbed off on his employees, his restaurants and even his will. Now it’s rubbing off on a world class wine and food festival in Las Vegas, Vegas Uncork’d.

On May 7, Wynn Las Vegas will host a vegan cooking course, Viva Las Vegan, as part of the festival by Bon Appétit. Vegan chef and author of The Conscious Cook, Tal Ronnen, will co-host the event.


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Chantelle Houghton Promotes Vegetarian Starter Kit In Leafwear

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, March 24th, 2011 in Actresses, Food & Drink, Models.

Chantelle Houghton has already made it clear she’s not into limp wieners.

Now, she’s giving more clues about what she looks for in another person by helping to promote PETA UK’s revised vegetarian and vegan starter kit at Covent Garden, a former fruit and vegetable market in England.

Dressed more modestly than some of her lettuce wearing predecessors who’ve donned skimpy cabbage bikinis, the former Celebrity Big Brother contestant and winner chose a short dress made of greens.


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Slice Of Celebrity Vegan Birthday Cake To (Drum Roll)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, March 24th, 2011 in Actresses, Birthdays.

A big slice of vegan birthday cake goes out to the following vegetarian or vegan celebrities.

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