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Phil Mickelson

Forget Tiger Woods and his life drama. There are much more interesting golf stories to talk about, like Phil Mickelson going vegetarian in an effort to ease his psoriatic arthritis.

“The last seven weeks, this will be the shocker,” Mickelson said, “I’ve actually been a vegetarian believe it or not.”

“I know this is crazy, but I know, I know. No, this wasn’t recommended by a doctor, I read a book and just thought maybe it will help. And if it helps my situation, I’m all for it.”

This may be such a big shocker because  Mickelson owns the rights to Five Guys Burgers restaurants in Orange County, California.


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"The Dorm Room Diet" Daphne Oz

"The Dorm Room Diet" Daphne Oz

As promised, we’re giving away one free copy of the The Dorm Room Diet by Daphne Oz. Daphne’s book is full of tips to help you stay healthy while being kind to the Earth and the animals. Every day for the next week, we’ll bring you a tip from Daphne’s book. For a chance to win the book, you have to give a tip back.

To enter, simply leave a comment on a post with a tip letting us know how you stay healthy, like what you eat or how you exercise. It can even be a spiritual or charitable practice you do that leaves you feeling great physically and psychologically.

You can enter this today, Thursday and Friday, then we’ll be taking a break on the weekend. Next Monday, the contest starts up again and wraps up on Thursday at midnight Pacific Time. Winners will be chosen randomly and notified via email on Monday, August 23, 2010.

Only one entry per post is allowed, but you may give a tip every day for every post written with a tip. So if you’ve got seven ways to teach everyone to stay healthy, come back every day and give your advice! And now, for today’s tip:


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Slice Of Vegan Celebrity Birthday Cake To (Drum Roll)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, August 11th, 2010 in Birthdays, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

Ben Gibbard

A big slice of vegan birthday cake goes out to the following vegetarian or vegan celebrities.

Photo: PR Photos

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Isaiah Mustafa Jay Leno Talk Vegan On “The Tonight Show” (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, August 10th, 2010 in Actors, Film & TV, Food & Drink, Videos.

Isaiah Mustafa

Isaiah Mustafa, the Old Spice Man, told the New York Post one of the top secrets to being a great man (in addition to never using pick up lines and keeping up with your man-icure) was eating healthy. Although he admitted to loving steaks and burgers, he’s on a vegan cleanse that doesn’t even allow caffeine.

“I pretty much eat lentils and certain types of tofu,” Mustafa said, adding that he couldn’t wait for it to end. But a recent appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno along with previous reports, reveals Mustafa is mainly peeved about his gluten-filled goodies.

“Here’s the tough one: no gluten.”

If that’s all he’s worried about, then maybe Old Spice Man will bring back whole wheat pasta and add some seitan to his manly life–leaving the unmanly animal flesh behind for good!

Watch a clip from Mustafa’s visit to The Tonight Show below.


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Daphne Oz

Daphne Oz

Daphne Oz, author of The Dorm Room Diet, and daughter of the famous daytime television host and heart surgeon Dr. Oz, has accumulated a wealth of information from her father, holistic nutrition adviser grandmother and vegetarian mother over the years. Daphne took her knowledge and wrote a book aimed to teach people how to fuel their bodies with food that gives energy, fights disease, and is healthier for the planet. The Dorm Room Diet contains an entire chapter especially dedicated to thinking about the impact of food on the environment, in addition to a chapter filled with vegetarian recipes.

Throughout the book, you remind readers of the benefits of being vegetarian (discuss how you get your nutrients without meat, pitfalls of meat protein, only vegetarian recipes in the book) without actually telling people to go veg. Was this done on purpose as a way to promote a vegetarian lifestyle without being preachy or did it naturally fall into place?
It naturally fell into place, partly because I have no idea how to cook meat, and partly because it’s a lot easier to purchase, store and cook vegetarian dishes when living in the dorm room. I’m glad you saw it as a natural way to promote the vegetarian lifestyle, and introduce readers to flavors, textures, and substitutes they might never have considered before, because that was certainly a goal of ours throughout the chapter. So often, knowledge and a little nudge is all people need to change old habits.

What’s your favorite recipe from the book and why?
My favorite recipe is the Nuttier Butter, just because it’s so easy and versatile–I would spread it on whole grain toast for breakfast, eat a spoonful before working out for a powerful shot of protein, fiber and energy, and even used it as the base for a spicy thai peanut salad dressing for dinner sometimes. Plus, it’s such a cool variation on the average peanut butter that adds omega fats and fiber.

The Dorm Room Diet sounds like it’s aimed at college students. How can a regular, working adult benefit from some of the advice in the book?
The advice in the book is really targeted at anyone looking to break free of the deprivation of fad diets and establish a permanent, healthy lifestyle that puts you in total control. The tips and tricks are targeted at anyone short on time, space, and/or money who still wants to make an effort to establish healthy habits to last a lifetime, so it’s equally helpful to people spending their time in a dorm room or a cubicle!


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Catchy songs recited by cartoon characters usually result in children demanding sugary, high caloric snacks, but Popeye the Sailor Man’s tune has them asking for the green stuff that gave him the energy to ward off Bluto.

A study conducted by researchers at Mahidol University in Bangkok found children aged four and five doubled their servings of vegetables after watching the sailor’s show.


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Sophia Bush

Sophia Bush of One Tree Hill has toyed with vegetarianism and veganism, but finds it hard to keep up the diet and lifestyle after a few days.

“I don’t know if it’s a blood type thing or what, but if I don’t eat meat for a few days I actually start to get sick,” Bush told Ecostiletto. “But what I’ve done is decrease the amount of meat that I eat. I read a statistic that if Americans cut their consumption of meat in half—any kind of meat, beef or chicken—we would lower our greenhouse gas emissions by something like 60%. It’s astonishing.”


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Brandon Routh

“It’s certainly putting veganism, veganity we call it in this movie, the vegan lifestyle is put out there. Todd isn’t necessarily the nicest promoter of the vegan lifestyle but it speaks well of it to say that you get the power of telekinesis and superpowers because you’re more clear, you’re more healthy, all of those things. So I think that they all have a good sense of humor.”

Brandon Routh, on how he thinks vegans react to the Scott Pilgrim vs. The World movie in which he plays a vegan ex boyfriend who uses superpowers the diet gives him to fight Scott Pilgrim.

Photo: PR Photos

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