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Kristen Bell "Shape" Magazine

Kristen Bell "Shape" Magazine

Kristen Bell is on the cover of the September 2010 issue of Shape.

The magazine interviewed the vegetarian actress who gave her 30 rules to live by that include growing her own organic herbs and vegetables, using eco-friendly handbags and avoiding dairy with the occasional “cheat.”

Tip 24 is to “splurge wisely,” and for Bell, that means spending her money on sustainable fashion for a good cause.

“I don’t mind paying a bit more for things made with sustainable materials,” Bell said. “I love FEED bags by Ellen Gustafson and Lauren Bush [from $60; feedprojects.com]. They’re eco-friendly, and most of the proceeds go to feeding and educating children around the world.”


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Fran Healy

“Yeah, I’ve totally stuck with it. In fact, I’ve been on detox for about 2 weeks now, and I’m not taking any dairy as well. And I feel great, actually. I feel like, wow, this is cool. I’ve been reading a little bit, I had a debate the other week with a friend about the dairy industry. I said, I eat eggs, and he said, oh you can’t do that if you’re a vegetarian. And then I looked into it, and I found the dairy industry and the fact that they kill a lot of the male chickens because they’re useless, it’s quite barbaric.”

Fran Healy on how his promise to Paul McCartney to go vegetarian has also steered him away from eggs and dairy.


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"The Dorm Room Diet" Daphne Oz

"The Dorm Room Diet" Daphne Oz

Today’s tip in the Dorm Room Diet giveaway is all about budgeting. Sure, you need the right foods for energy, but it’s also about managing time and figuring out how to store you food in a tiny dorm room, cubicle or even in a studio apartment. It’s not just money that’s a part of the “budget.”

The Dorm Room Diet recommends keeping healthy, grab-and-go snacks handy for busy times and keeping small, nutrient packed foods like nuts, dried fruit, popcorn and peanut butter handy that won’t take up a lot of space in a refrigerator at work or home. Also, if you’re a college student, The Dorm Room Diet, advises checking out the cafeteria versus the restaurants on the off campus strip. You’re bound to find at least something your ethics and tastes are compatible with and it’s probably already paid for (by mom or dad, student loans, scholarships) as part of a campus meal plan.

To enter to win “The Dorm Room Diet” leave a comment on this post giving your tip for staying healthy. Full contest rules can be found here.

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Weekly Charting of Business Activities on Whiteboard

Time magazine is featuring a short article on the practice of flexitarians, or people who eat vegetarian sometimes, but not completely.

Green lifestyle website Treehugger‘s founder Graham Hill and his “Weekday Vegetarian” concept is discussed, as well as praise for the movement by people involved with animal rights like Animal Liberation author Peter Singer and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal’s president, Ingrid Newkirk.

“Absolute purists should be living in a cave,” says Newkirk. “Anybody who witnesses the suffering of animals and has a glimmer of hope of reducing that suffering can’t take the position that it’s all or nothing. We have to be pragmatic. Screw the principle.”

“The surge is due to a sense of a plateau,” Singer said. “You’ve already reached out to the base of strict vegetarians, and it’s hard to get beyond those numbers. People should go further, but it’s progress in the right direction.”

More at Time.

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Ani's Raw Food Essentials

Ani's Raw Food Essentials

Raw foods chef Ani Phyo will give “Uncooking” demonstrations at the American College for Advancement in Medicine’s Fall Conference and Trade Show on November 5, 2010 in Las Vegas.

Phyo will share some of her favorite recipes and show how to “uncook” several raw food meals.

Phyo has published several cookbooks on raw food, including her latest, Ani’s Raw Food Essentials, released earlier this year.  She has received numerous awards both as a chef and for her cookbooks.


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"The Dorm Room Diet" Daphne Oz

"The Dorm Room Diet" Daphne Oz

As part of our “Dorm Room Diet” book giveaway where we bring you a different tip from the book every day, today’s tip is about breakfast.

Every vegetarian should know how to whip up a simple breakfast tofu scramble, but that doesn’t mean they’ll remember to eat it in the 7:30 AM rush in between walking the dog, checking email and work/class. While it’s tempting to grab a sugary muffin or just swish juice down, Daphne Oz suggest you eat your biggest meal for breakfast in “The Dorm Room Diet.”

“I always try to live by the adage: breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dine like a pauper,” she writes, adding this method gives you more time to use the calories.

Shouldn’t be hard to do, considering the several breakfast recipes are included in her book like a breakfast sandwich with black beans and salsa on whole grain bread.

To enter to win, The Dorm Room Diet, simply leave a comment giving your tip for staying healthy.

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Paul McCartney Nancy Shevell

Paul McCartney and Nancy Shevell were spotted at Phillipe restaurant in New York sharing vegetarian fare during what People called a romantic dinner. Wonder if the pair opted for lettuce wraps or chose to get steamy early in the evening.

Phillipe, which has restaurants in New York city, Los Angels, Miami and the Hamptons, features a “Steamed” menu with seasonal vegetables that come with or without tofu.

A nice way to eat veggies as a switch from raw or fried, as steaming some of them, like carrots, zucchini and broccoli, may preserve antioxidants.

Photo: PR Photos

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Linda Blair

On Friday, September 10th 2010 between 6PM and 10PM at the Boulevard 3 in Los Angeles, celebrities will hit the catwalk showcasing the latest fashion trends while raising money for non-profit organizations working to increase animal adoption.

Linda Blair is the honoree for the 2010 Celebrity Cat Walk Charity event. She joins the line of past honorees like Nigel Barker and Heather Mills.

In the past, the Celebrity Catwalk Event has been hosted by celebrities such as Jamie Foxx, Nicole Richie, Melissa Rivers and Bridget Marquardt.

Proceeds from the event benefit National Animal Rescue. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit Celebrity Cat Walk.

Photo: PR Photos

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