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Meatless Mouthful–Bob Harper Inspired By A Skinny Bitch

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, October 28th, 2010 in Food & Drink, Meatless Mouthful, TV Hosts.

“I was at a friend’s house and it was right when Skinny Bitch came out. And she was like, “You need to read this book.” The title totally threw me off; I said, “I’m not reading some book that’s called Skinny Bitch.” But I took it with me on vacation and I was really interested and blown away by it at the same time.”

Bob Harper, in an interview with VegNews in the magazine’s November/December 2010 issue, on how he first became interested in going vegetarian. Never judge a book by its cover. Or name. For men like Harper who are a little taken aback by Skinny Bitch, the sisters in sassiness, Freedman and Barnouin, have conveniently written the male counterpart to Bitch, Skinny Bastard. And let’s not forget John Joseph will make men feel like little girls if they continue to eat meat after reading, Meat Is For Pussies.

Saving our men. One title at a time.

Photo: PR Photos

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The Indigo Girls, vegetarian Amy Ray and Emily Saliers, sat down with Annie Barr from the The [i4c] Campaign, which aims to “create a better tomorrow by supporting change making entrepreneurs.”

Ray and Saliers discuss the future they see, which makes improves from today’s state of the treatment of woman and the environment.

“I foresee a change in energy policy,” said Sailers, and emphasized the United States moving away from traditional energy sources like fossil fuels and oils.

Saliers and Ray have worked with indigenous communities that rely on green energy such as solar and wind and she’d like to find ways for these communities to continue using these energy resources while reaping economic benefits at the same time.

Watch to hear Ray’s vision for how she would like to see women and children treated in the future.

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Brian May is challenging the killer of what was believed to be Britain’s largest animal, a stag known as Exmoor Emperor, to reveal him or herself.

“I’d like to challenge whoever did this to stand up in public and explain why they think that killing a fine beast like this is the right thing to do, because I simply can’t understand it,” May said, according to the Daily Mail.

“I think it’s completely despicable – it’s beyond belief. The idea that someone can pay to kill an animal, to take pleasure in the killing, and then take a part of their anatomy to hang on their wall as a trophy, belongs in the dark ages with bear-baiting and burning witches at the stake.”


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Lindsay Lohan Can Pay For Rehab If She Goes Vegan

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, October 28th, 2010 in Actresses, Food & Drink.

Lindsay Lohan has the opportunity to get help for her $53,000 rehab bill if she promises to go vegan for the rest of the year.

The actress is currently serving a three-month sentence at California’s Betty Ford Drug Clinic after failing several drug tests and has claimed she cannot afford to pay for it.

In walks the financial counselor from PETA.

The animal rights group has agreed to pay Lohan $10,000 if she goes vegan for the remainder of her term and another $10,000 if she stays vegan for the rest of the year.

Ha! She can’t even stay stay sober. Good luck, PETA we appreciate your efforts!


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Hillary Clinton celebrated her 63nd birthday with Bill on Tuesday by dining at D.C.’s Peacock Cafe in Georgetown.

Restaurants have been cashing in on promoting the former president of the United States has dined at their establishment while patrons follow Bill’s lead when ordering from the menu. Thank goodness a horde of fans will forgo meat entrees at Peacock, as Bill had the veggie burger with quinoa salad and spinach, taking a bite from Hillary’s fries now and then.

Besides the veggie burger, Peacock Cafe boasts veggie friendly dishes of Vegetarian Nachos with vegetarian chili, baked ravioli, a selection of salads and smoothies and “Bill Clinton Ate Here” bragging rights.

Photo: PR Photos

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WASHINGTON - NOVEMBER 25:  U.S. President Barack Obama pardons a turkey named 'Courage' as daughter Sasha (2nd R) looks on during an event to pardon the 20-week-old and 45-pound turkey at the North Portico of the White House November 25, 2009 in Washington, DC. The Presidential pardon of a turkey has been a long time Thanksgiving tradition that dates back to the Harry Truman administration.  (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Farm Sanctuary has started a petition to urge President Barack Obama to send this year’s pardoned turkey to its sanctuary instead of the traditional retirement homes at Disney Parks. Because turkeys bred for food are often raised so they grow as large as possible in a short time frame, they’re prone to health problems. Many turkeys sent to the Disney Parks die within one year and Farm Sanctuary would like the opportunity to care for them, giving them a chance at a longer life.

Gene Baur, President and co-founder of the Sanctuary said:

“We are offering the Obama administration an opportunity to distinguish themselves from past administrations by starting a new, compassionate Thanksgiving tradition that is more in-step with Americans’ growing concern about the welfare of animals raised for food…By sending the pardoned birds to Farm Sanctuary’s renowned shelter in Watkins Glen, N.Y., the Obama Administration can show that it cares about the humane treatment of animals, and ensure that the turkeys get the expert care they need to thrive.”

When passing this petition around to gather signatures, you may also want to share these facts about turkeys Farm Sanctuary has provided.

1. Turkeys recognize each other by their unique voices.

2. Researchers have identified more than 20 distinct vocalizations in wild turkeys.

3. Turkeys have excellent geography skills and can learn the specific details of an area of more than 1,000 acres.


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Slice Of Vegan Celebrity Birthday Cake To (Drum Roll)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, October 28th, 2010 in Actors, Birthdays.

A big slice of vegan birthday cake goes out to the following vegetarian or vegan celebrities today.

Photo: PR Photos

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Giveaway–Cooking Light Way To Cook Vegetarian Cookbook Plus Recipe

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, October 27th, 2010 in Books, Food & Drink, Giveaways, Recipes.

As promised, we’re giving away a copy of Cooking Light Way To Cook Vegetarian, the new cookbook that is the first vegetarian one from the editors of Cooking Light Magazine.

Cooking Light Way To Cook Vegetarian is over 400 pages of vegetarian and vegan recipes, glossy photos, food cooking and preparation tips and even an entire chapter dedicated to just tofu and tempeh recipes.

To enter to win, simply do the following:

*For one chance to win, leave a comment on this post saying why you want to win Cooking Light Way To Cook Vegetarian.
*For two chances to win, leave a comment on this post saying why you want to win Cooking Light Way To Cook Vegetarian AND Tell us what you’re favorite vegetarian/vegan item to cook is.

Contests ends November 3rd, 2010 at midnight Pacific Time and the winner will be chosen randomly and notified by email within 72 hours.

Need an incentive to enter? Try this sample vegan recipe from Cooking Light Way To Cook Vegetarian, Hash Browns With Italian Seasoned Tofu.

Hash Browns With Italian Seasoned Tofu

Enter the giveaway and view the recipe below.


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