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Slice Of Vegan Celebrity Birthday Cake To (Drum Roll)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010 in Birthdays, Female Musicians, Female Singers.

A big slice of vegan birthday cake goes out to the following vegetarian or vegan celebrities today.

Photo: PR Photos

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Russell Brand Gets Bull Named After Him To Celebrate Bullock Cart Ban

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, November 1st, 2010 in Actors, Animal Issues.

What do Russell Brand and bulls have in common? Well, they’re both “handsome fellows,” according to PETA India. And both Brand and bullocks are starting a new life.

The Indian branch of the animal rights group named a bullock after the actor who’s been nominated for Sexiest Vegetarian several times.

“The gift of a namesake is also fitting because just as Russell Brand embarks on his new life as a married man, Russell the bullock has also been given a new lease on life — the heavy loads he once pulled have been lifted from his shoulders for good.”

But, wait, doesn’t Brand getting married to Katy Perry and losing his bachelor’s status mean he’ll be carrying more on his shoulders from now on? Well, at least the bulls have it better as it looks as if a ban on bullock carts for certain transportation will be issued in Mumbai.


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Lindsay Lohan Considers PETA’s Vegan Offer To Pay For Rehab

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, November 1st, 2010 in Actresses, Food & Drink.

Lindsay Lohan is seriously considering PETA’s offer to go vegan if they help her pay for rehab.

The animal rights group had agreed to pay her $10,000 if she went vegan during rehab, and another $10,000 if she stayed vegan for the entire year, which would cover a little less than half of her tab of $53,000 at the Betty Ford Clinic.

According to Radar Online:

“Lindsay is seriously considering the offer from PETA. There is thoughtful consideration about PETA’s very generous offer. Lindsay loves animals, and looks at it as a ‘win-win’ since being a vegetarian is a healthier lifestyle that she is striving for.”


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“Farm animals are smart, friendly animals who experience fear, pain and suffering just like cats, dogs and all other living beings do. The cruel conditions endured by billions of farm animals annually on factory farms all across North America is an issue that affects all of us. As a proud Brooklyn native who believes all animals should be treated with compassion, I am honored to be back in my hometown leading the 2010 New York City Walk for Farm Animals.”

John Salley, basketball legend who hosted the 2010 Farm Sanctuary Walk For Animals.

via Look To The Stars

Photo: PR Photos

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Simone Reyes "Star Magazine"

Simone Reyes "Star Magazine"

Star Magazine recently featured one of Russell Simmon‘s right hand women on his reality TV show, “Running Russell Simmons,” Simone Reyes.

Reyes, a vegan and animal rights passionate gal, shared some of her favorite “must haves” for her purse, which include vegan makeup by Urban Decay and B-Fresh Gum and Mints.


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Max Lugavere founded Rockdrive, a Los Angeles night of music and entertainment designed to raised awareness and money for good causes, two years ago as a way to combine his passion for music and changing the world.

Lugavere, the co-host of Current TV’s “Unseen,” is using Rockdrive on December 11th, 2010 to promote education, but hints in future years animal rights and animal welfare might be on receiving end of the music fest.

From The Laist:

“Education is one of those things that you can’t understate how important it is. I’m also really passionate about animal rights and in the future we might benefit that but this year we’re focusing on these two charities.”


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Miss World Alexandria Mills–Vegetarian Horribly Nicknamed KFC

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, November 1st, 2010 in Animal Issues, Food & Drink, Models.

[picappgallerysingle id=”10088946″]An 18-year old woman from Kentucky has been crown Miss World in the 60th annual competition held this year in Sanya, China.

Alexandria Mills beat 114 other girls, some of which jokingly nicknamed her “KFC” because of where she’s from in the United States.

But don’t let the nickname fool you, the Blue Grass beauty queen wouldn’t dare celebrate her crowning with a bucket of fried chicken.


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Gardein Thanksgiving

Gardein Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away, and it’s never too early to start planning your animal-friendly feast, whether you’re cooking for several family members or doing it solo so you won’t starve amid the family of hunters and carnivores.

Vegan chef Tal Ronnen, author of The Conscious Cook and chef who helped design Oprah‘s meal plans when she went on a 3-week vegan cleanse, has created a vegetarian Thanksgiving menu starring the plant-based meat substitutes free of dairy, cholesterol and animal ingredients he helped develop, Gardein.

Chef’s Ronnen’s Thanksgiving menu includes using Gardein faux chicken patties to create a Sage and Pumpkin Seed Encrusted patty with Cranberry Cabernet Sauce, Creamy Mashed Potatoes featuring Earth Balance vegan butter, Sweet Potato Biscuits created from scratch using soymilk, Green Beans With Fresh Cranberries, Beet and Orange Autumn Salad and for dessert, Oven Roasted Banana Rum Cheesecake.

Vegan Oven Roasted Banana Rum Cheesecake


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