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If you’re a Texan, what character of the state do you most associated yourself with?

Probably not the steakhouses, but that’s okay, because you’re in good company, as Lauren Bush says being Texan may have more to do with what you put on your body and not in it.

“I love jeans and denim — I think that’s probably my most stereotypically Texan trait,” the co-founder of FEED Projects, a non-profit designed to help fund UN programs for hunger around the world.

If you’re a true greenie, you’ll want to grab a pair of organic denim jeans, since it takes almost 2/3 of a pound of pesticide to produce one pair of conventional ones. Everything should be bigger in Texas, but not the carbon footprint!

So where does Lauren eat in Houston to avoid the steakhouses?


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In celebration of him going vegan, former president of the United States, Bill Clinton, will get his own set of “happy cows” and chickens dancing for him.

ABS-CBN News reports the event will occur when Clinton visits the Philippines capital on Wednesday to deliver a speech.

“The dancing “cow” and “chicken” will wait outside the Manila Hotel on November 10, where Clinton will deliver a keynote speech. They will hold signs that read “Be Like Bill: Grill Veggies, Not Meat” and “Chicks Love Slim Vegan Bill!,” recognizing the former US President’s efforts to stay healthy for his future grandchildren.”

Will Bill join the characters and show off his new vegan athletic prowess by doing the funky no-slaughter chicken?

Photo: PR Photos

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“Since I was a kid, my family became vegetarians and I didn’t want to be left out so I became a vegetarian as well… That’s a lot of discipline for a kid to give up candy and all that good stuff… but I bounce back and forth. There are times when I’m a vegetarian, times when I’m a pescatarian. But I don’t eat meat… I’m still tempted… there’s so much that I love.”

Janet Jackson, on trying to stay veg. Don’t know of any candy that contains meat, but for anyone with a sweet tooth struggling to stay vegan, did you know there is a list of accidentally vegan candy you may not even know you’re not cheating with? Suck on all the Dum-Dums, Lemonheads and Twizzlers you want. And vegan candy bars? We’ve got you covered.

Photo: PR Photos

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Linda McCartney Foods Looking For Best Home-Cooked Vegetarian Dish

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, November 9th, 2010 in Business, Food & Drink.

Linda McCartney Foods, the vegetarian line of foods created by the late wife of Paul McCartney that is owned by Hain Celestial Group, is returning to television advertising for the first time in 15 years, in a quest to find the UK’s best vegetarian cook.

A new campaign created by Feel Agency, with media planning and buying by Total Media, kicks off on Monday in a contest where the winning recipe will become part of the Linda McCartney line.


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How food gets from the farm to your plate is becoming an increasingly popular topic, given the fact most conscious eaters want to know what they eat was grown under environmentally friendly conditions for the planet and farm workers and had minimum impact, if any, on animals.

The farm is also where many food education programs take children as part of an initiative to get them to eat better once they’ve become acquainted with how produce is grown and harvested.

Skinny Bitch author Rory Freedman and Jenny and Heather Goldberg of Spork Foods, a company that offers organic, vegan cooking classes in the LA area, visited a farm to learn the ins and outs of produce growing.

In between chit chatting with the “meat-eating farmer,” Freedman discusses vegan issues, such as cruelty to male chicks in the egg industry and what motivated her to give up animal products as well as environmental changes that have affected the nutrition and safety of our food.

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Diane Keaton makes time for community activism in between raising children and reciting lines on screen. These are just as equally important as her acting, as she told MSNBC her outside interests were included as goals for her future career.

“I’m on the board of the Los Angeles Conservancy. I care about buildings and I care about restoring buildings and I care about protecting buildings from being torn down. I’m an animal advocate. I’m on the board of the Helen Woodward Animal Center, which is down in San Diego, a leading proponent of the no-kill situation for dogs and pets and people, adopt a dog, you know.”

The Los Angeles Conservancy has worked to defend some of the historic areas as LA designated through HPOZ, or Historic Preservation Overlay Zones. At times, some residents have fought HPOZ, stating it hurts their ability to make a building more eco-friendly, but according to the Conservancy, just the opposite is true.

“We’ve all seen how drastic alterations, teardowns, and McMansions can destroy a historic neighborhood’s unique character.”


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Steve Wynn Will Includes Animals But Not Like Ingrid Newkirk

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, November 9th, 2010 in Animal Issues, Business.

We’ve already discovered that Steve Wynn has changed his will to include donations to the Humane Society if he should go to that big casino in the sky anytime soon.

Wynn insists he’s nowhere near that point, but still wanted to show his concern for animals.

He told Las Vegas Weekly:

“I’ve become an animal rights activist. I’m taken care of myself for the rest of my life. So I decided to change my will the last few days in case I croak. I’m not about to, and I’m not planning on that for a long time. But I’ve changed my will to show my concern for animal rights.”

Wynn explained that conditions found in factory farms were some of the motivators to change his diet and will.


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Weatherman Dave Price from “The Early Show” got early sweet tooth satisfaction after he sampled an array of chocolate on the show.

Wanting to share the goodness with his family, Price began putting some in his pockets. When he sampled the vegan chocolates, he decided the fam needed to try some of those as well, agreeing with Harry Smith that it melts best in your mouth and “not in your pocket.”

The wonderful thing about chocolate is that the product itself is naturally vegan. Pick a good company that starts with the fair-traded dark deliciousness, sweetens with natural sugar and adds either vegan milk or none at all and you’ve got yourself a good deal.

Plamil Chocolate is a good vegan candidate for you and the family, as it’s organic, vegan and fair-traded. Many of the Endangered Species Dark Chocolates are vegan, organic, gluten-free and ethically traded, with 10% of the profits supporting organizations that help species, humans and both of their habitats.

View more vegan chocolate brands.

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