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Ray Davies Holds Patents On Vegetarian Dishes

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, December 7th, 2010 in Food & Drink, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

Ray Davies

English rock musician Ray Davies is best known for being a singer and songwriter for band The Kinks. Somewhere, in some hall of fame, he needs his own star for other, non-music related accomplishments. Like patenting several vegetarian dishes.

“I’m a vegetarian, although I eat fish occasionally,” he told Gibson. “I have a couple of vegetarian dishes I’ve patented. I love to surprise non-veggies – they say: ‘That was incredible,’ and then they’re totally shocked to hear that there’s no meat in it.”

Patenting the ultimate vegan mac and cheese, bean burrito or egg replacer can be a tricky task, but it can and has been done numerous times. The patents usually fall into two categories, either 1. composition of matter (e.g. a new ingredient that’s never been used to make an already existing meal) or 2. process for making the product (e.g. heating a mixture for a product when no one’s ever thought of doing it that way).

Here are a few food combination that have earned U.S Patents.

* Reduced calorie:  fat replacements (5,466,479) and sugarless bakery goods (5,804,242)
* Microwavable: Sponge cake that can rise when microwaved (6,410,074)
* Texture: Ingredient replacing egg whites to reduce toughness of batter coatings (6,288,179)


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Slice Of Vegan Celebrity Birthday Cake To (Drum Roll)

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, December 7th, 2010 in Actresses, Birthdays.

Shiri Appleby

A big slice of vegan birthday cake goes out to to the following vegetarian or vegan celebrities today.

Photo: PR Photos

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“Going vegetarian is not only a great way to trim your waist, but you will be shrinking your carbon footprint too. I love that my diet is as kind to the planet as it is to animals and my health!”

Lara Dutta, vying for PETA India’s Sexiest Vegetarian in the 2010 poll running from now until January 9th, 2011. Bollywood babes as well as American sexy gents and ladies make up the candidates on this year’s ballot.

Photo: India FM/Creative Commons

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Heather Mills Says VBites Will Be Bigger Than McDonald’s

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, December 6th, 2010 in Business, Food & Drink, Restaurants.

Heather Mills is predicting her vegan restaurant V Bites will be as big as McDonald’s in the next decade. Although the cafe is closed for the winter, some have speculated because of financial difficulties, Mills insists the rest is for brainstorming and a “big announcement” will be made in the next year.

“In 10 years there will be more VBites restaurants than McDonald’s,” Mills told reporters. “It’s the future. We’ve been using the time when the cafe has closed for brainstorming. VBites has been phenomenally successful this year. Everyone loves the food, even carnivores. Plans for it to become a franchise are very much on.”

Currently, there isn’t a a major chain of veg fast food, casual dining or fine dining restaurants, although many independently owned eateries have proved successful in every area of the US, UK and other parts of the world. The idea of going through a drive-through to order faux chicken fingers or having a quantity of vegetarian/vegan quick food options that rival that of Starbucks sounds great if Mills can pull it off.

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Simone Reyes

The season finale of the Oxygen channel’s “Running Russell Simmons” airs Tuesday at 10/9c. Running’s had only six short episodes, but Simmons’ vegan assistant, Simone Reyes, has had opportunities to demonstrate her values about animals on the show. Vegetarian Star conducted an exclusive interview with Simone, learning this beauty looks just as good in a naked PETA protest as she does behind a desk and computer, as she’s also the author of two books on pets.

Tell us about your journey to veganism.
I joined the animal rights movement about 15 years ago by hooking up with a local, pretty radical group called Activists For Animals. We were small, but loud and powerful. AFA did a lot of on the street grassroots protesting. When I first joined I was still wearing leather shoes…that changed immediately. I became a hard core activist after my first “fur walk” with that group. We yelled at fur wearers and put stickers on their backs that said, “I’m an a**hole I wear fur.” Radical, yes, but it was a great introduction for me. I’m a Leo so we like to do it up big.

You’ve written two books on astrology for pets. That’s a different one! Tell us more about that. If my cat is a Sagittarius, what does this mean about kitty?
I love astrology and I love animals so it made sense to me to pair the two. Let’s see…typically a Sagittarius kitty is adventurous and playful. No animal enjoys being alone but cats born under this sign get especially lonely so definitely get him or her a rescued buddy or at the very least spend more time at home whenever possible. (Simone’s books, Astrology for Cats and Astrology for Dogs, are available through Amazon.)

How did you hook up with Russell Simmons? Did you know he was a vegan before you started working with him and did the fact that you both are ever come up before you got hired?
I was part of the Beastie Boys crew. We all hung out together…connected through David Scilken who we lost way too young. Russell was absolutely NOT a vegan when we met, nor was I. This was in the early days of Def Jam. We didn’t live our lives fully awake until much later. I became vegan way before Russell did.

Favorite eco-friendly fashion brands.
Yes! Cri De Couer , Olsen Haus, Stella McCartney. I also get great tips from www.girliegirlarmy.com that always has new designers showcased who are offering cruelty-free options.

Tofu, tempeh or seitan.
I love tofu! I love tofu sour cream and tofu cream cheese. I love tofu ice cream. I always add tofu to my salads. I’m powered by tofu, no question!


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The first episode in a web-based series featuring Robin Quivers and a vegan chef through various culinary adventures has been posted to YouTube.

“Vegucating Robin” is Quivers’ way of introducing herself to new vegan dishes since experiencing food monotony after being vegan for five years.

Quivers and Chef Gavan make “Cannellini Bean Concerto,” a vegan dish that requires only eight ingredients, which is a nice change from recipes found in many cookbooks, magazines and elsewhere that sometimes require you spend twice as much on groceries in order to purchase the ingredients for one new dish.

In this episode, Quivers helps name the dish, describing it as something that “brings all the flavors together,” making it a “concerto.”

The recipe for Cannellini Bean Concerto can be found at GavanMurphy.com/vegucating-robin. Hopefully, all future recipes from the episodes will also be available to print.

Stay tuned for December 8th’s show titled, “It’s not pesto without pine nuts!”

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Carol J. Adams "The Sexual Politics of Meat"

Carol J. Adams "The Sexual Politics of Meat"

“That night I bit into a hamburger. Suddenly, I stopped. I thought, ‘I am eating a dead cow.’ I saw the same thing differently.”

Carol J. Adams, feminist and author of The Sexual Politics of Meat, a book that links a meat-eating culture to the sexualization, discrimination and inapproriate treatment of women. Adams had this moment that made her rethink eating animal flesh shortly after her pet pony was shot to death.

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"Eating" DVD

"Eating" DVD

“Eating,” is the DVD documentary casino mogul Steve Wynn watched that convinced him to go vegan. He subsequently ordered copies for all his employees.

Eating promises to touch on the effects of meat and dairy on human health, the environment and animal cruelty.

Vegan.com found it stayed true to its promise on the second and third claims, but isn’t completely thrilled with the film’s take on plant-based diets and health and you might be surprised to hear why.

“Basically, “Eating” frames a low-fat vegan diet as a cure-all for just about every physical malady. And, at one point, there’s even a suggestion that cancer patients bypass chemo and radiation and just go vegan. There are so many varieties, stages, and grades of cancer that this advice strikes me as completely reckless. Certainly, there’s much to be said for a plant-strong diet. And it’s hard to make the case of there being anything more healthful than a well-planned vegan diet. But activists always need to be looking for weaknesses in their arguments.”

Read more at Vegan.com.

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